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Comment Re: A sense of scale (Score 1) 24

Seems what they are trying to do is measure the propogation as tangent to the earth as possible; i.e. get a really long propogation through the atmosphere. That would allow them measurements nearer the surface. Now if you did that from several directions, it may be sort of a CT scan, and you can isolate regions instead of the whoe path.

Comment Re:Disrupt to ISP's Gorilla Broadband?? (Score 2) 54

Could something like this could completely hose all the ISP's if open sourced and if it works well? Here's the concept: People like the dd wrt folks could customize router firmware to act as repeaters and whoever wants can set up relay stations with home type routers, weatherproofed and sitting on a pole outside if need be, creating a de facto municipal wireless broadband network without needing ISP's. I guess some question are: how to hook it up to the regular Internet's backbone, address space, etc. Could a Gorilla Internet be created with something like this?

Not really, as the beamwidth on these antennas is 1 degree. You would need multiple antennas aimed at multiple neighbors. This seems strictly point-to-point back-haul.

Comment TWT based (Score 1) 54

The TW in TWEETHER is for a Travelling Wave Tube, which is about the only way to get decent power at mmWave, thus these nodes are not going to be cheap. Why not just use the Ka band backhaul, where you can get soild state PAs, and push it to 4096 QAM, or perhaps the new angular momentum diversity. Is all the bandwidth really eaten up at Ka band, even given the narrow beamwidths?

Comment Re: Nosedive (Score 1) 598

My Apple TV 3rd gen disconnects permanently from iTunes as soon as it goes to sleep, and requires a reboot to reconnect. It's been doing this for 2 years, irrespective of software updates on all devices. I'm using Ethernet, and I assume Apple only gives a shit about WiFi, and refuses to fix it. Bought a Amazin Fire and put on XMBC, can stream MKV directly off the NAS. Much nicer. Fuck Apple.

Comment Re:Google Fiber (Score 1) 97

I should also point out, I could not get an answer out of the Google Fiber lady, at an IEEE meeting, what they mean by "no servers". She danced around the question. I asked her if I can continue to run my torrent server; no answer? I do know they won't assign static IPs, which is what I have now.

Comment Google Fiber (Score 1) 97

Google Fiber seems to be rolling along in KCMO, and is expanding out into the metro area. Short of building their own networks, the cities should cut the red tape to make fiber installation as easy as possible. The $ cost should be technical, not wasting it on legal fees. Although they need to safeguard against evil companies (i.e. Comcast and Time-Warner). Still yet unknown if Google Fiber turns evil. They will be in my area (Overland Park, KS) soon.

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