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Comment F you EA and the dead flogged horse you rode in on (Score 1) 439

Since Tribes I haven't been able to stomach multiplayer games online. My entire gaming life almost exclusively exists in single player mode. Just because EA cant be bothered funding decent AI and single player game player doesn't mean the rest of the world wont/cant.
If they persists in dumping out crap for the masses I'm sure the indie and open source gaming industry will harvest my money just as quickly.

Comment Bing = Lipstick on a Pig (Score 1) 560

Seriously... it's completely useless for someone in Western Australia.
Google is a powerful tool that I've found manages to index Microsoft own support site better than Bing does.

From my perspective they've done little more than join a bunch of poor performing search engines together and given it a New Yorker sounding name.

Lipstick on a Pig.

Comment Re:ps3 exclusive (Score 1) 56

***Would someone please enlighten me - what is the rationale behind making platform-exclusive games? Isn't it logical to think that they'd make more money did they release the game for multiple platforms? Or do they just expect that everyone has every console out there plus a PC?***

Yeah, Sony benefit solely from the game if it's popular.
Sony make money from the sale of the game, sale of the licence and sale of the consoles... if it's _really_ popular then it'll encourage the sale of more of their consoles thereby acting as a multiplier of their other games.

The developers get lower cost of coding benefits and they'll be paid a kickback from Sony for being exclusive.

The end users get no real benefit.

Comment Re:Telstra's back door (Score 5, Informative) 300

It's 51% taxpayer funded, 49% private investment then wholly sold off after 5years of running (Like Telstra, for a fucking huge profit).

Huge bonus' to this plan.. (stolen from the good Simon Hackett shining knight of Aussie ISP's)
Best path: FTTH (not FTTN) (Fibre To The Home/Node)

Retain ADSL2+
Abandon flawed FTTN approach
same (high) speeds for everyone
Retain copper access regime
New infrastructure in parallel
Retain competitive tension
Retain innovation
Retain competitive pricing
No overbuild protection needed
No legal battles needed
more innovation, more choice
long term consumer benefit

Comment Very interesting different "Voices" (Score 1) 379

So if you load the player using a MAC you get one voice... if you load it using anything else you get a completely different voice.

This is a rather interesting thing to do... I mean, what happens if the MAC users like the other voice?

Why would they do such a thing unless the MAC voice was "better" is some way?

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