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The Myth of Upgrade Inevitability Is Dead 597

Several readers pointed out a ComputerWorld UK blog piece on the expanding ripples of the Vista fiasco. Glyn Moody quotes an earlier Inquirer piece about Vista, which he notes "has been memorably described as DRM masquerading as an operating system": "Studies carried out by both Gartner and IDC have found that because older software is often incompatible with Vista, many consumers are opting for used computers with XP installed as a default, rather than buying an expensive new PC with Vista and downgrading. Big business, which typically thinks nothing about splashing out for newer, more up-to-date PCs, is also having trouble with Vista, with even firms like Intel noting XP would remain the dominant OS within the company for the foreseeable future." Moody continues: "What's really important about this is not so much that Vista is manifestly such a dog, but that the myth of upgrade inevitability has been destroyed. Companies have realized that they do have a choice — that they can simply say 'no.' From there, it's but a small step to realizing that they can also walk away from Windows completely, provided the alternatives offer sufficient data compatibility to make that move realistic."

Why Netbooks Will Soon Cost $99 221

CWmike sends along a ComputerWorld piece which predicts that "netbooks like the Asus Eee PC, the Dell Mini 9 and the HP 2133 Mini-Note will soon cost as little as $99. The catch? You'll need to commit to a two-year mobile broadband contract. The low cost will come courtesy of a subsidy identical to the one you already get with your cell phone. It's likely that HP is working with AT&T (they're reported to be talking), which announced a major strategic shift a couple of weeks ago that should result in AT&T stores selling nonphone gadgets that can take advantage of mobile broadband, including netbooks. What's more interesting is that low income and cheapskate buyers are starting to use iPhones as replacements or substitutes for netbook, notebook and even desktop PCs. The author's take: A very large number of people are increasingly looking to buy a single device — or, at least, subscribe to a single wireless account — for all their computing and communications needs, and at the lowest possible price."

Submission + - Super-speed Internet satellite blasts off in Japan (cnn.com)

petercasier writes: "Japan launched a rocket Saturday carrying a satellite that will test new technology that promises to deliver "super high-speed Internet" service to homes and businesses around the world. The WINDS super-fast Internet satellite is a joint project of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. If the technology proves successful, subscribers with small dishes will connect to the Internet at speeds many times faster than what is now available over residential cable or DSL services. The satellite would offer speeds of up to 1.2 gigabytes per second."

New 4100 Lumen Flashlight Can Set Things On Fire 464

i4u writes "Engadget is reporting that Wicked Lasers has introduced The Torch. It is the world's brightest and most powerful flashlight. The Flashlight is capable of melting plastic, lighting paper on fire within seconds, and if you like, fry an egg or a marshmallow on a stick. At 4100 lumens, The Torch is 100 lumens more powerful than The Polarion Helios, the former most powerful flashlight, and retails for around $300. The Torch is apparently also undergoing review at the Guinness Book of World Records."

Submission + - Microsoft tries to get writer fired! 1

Blake Gombrich writes: "As a loyal reader I feel it is my duty to inform you of this: I am a regular on the Penny Arcade forums and one of the developing stories I have been watching is one in which one of my fellow PAers seems to be having a bit of trouble with Microsoft. After moving from the UK to the States, he had problems getting his Live account working in his new area. He called Microsoft with help on the issue. As I understand it, all calls were unhelpful, emails ignored and 2 advisers on phone support told him to "go back to England". Amazing. Now it is apparent that he works for a gaming publication. He posted the situation in his blog to raise awareness of the issue. In what shocked me, a representative from Microsoft called his editor and asked that he be dropped from the writing team! Apparently this was requested to remove "any contention between the publication and Microsoft." In my honest opinion this is totally unacceptable. As writers and bloggers yourselves this kind of behavior should alarm (if not anger) you. As a 360 owner myself this is very troubling, and as a gamer this is infuriating. Here is the forum thread with all the information: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=45389 Thank you for your time and keep up the good work! Blake Gombrich"

Submission + - Doctors say placebo use common (reuters.com)

The Madd Rapper writes: According to the survey, 45% of respondents have prescribed placebos in actual practice (as opposed to clinical trials). They disclosed this with varying specificity, e.g, this "may help and will not hurt" or is "a medicine with no specific effect." Only 12% said placebos should never be used.



Submission + - 2008... International Year of the Potato !

An anonymous reader writes: Yes, thats right..the UN has designated 2008 as the International Year of the Potato, to highlight the tasty spuds increasing importance as a food source worldwide. Among the many events planned are an international conference, Potato Science for the Poor: Challenges for the New Millennium to be held in March in Cuzco, Peru, and a series of presentations in European cities entitled the Procession of the Potato.

So, no matter how you like your taters — mashed, boiled, fried, or baked — be sure and celebrate the humble potato throughout this new year, and dont forget that the potato is the most important root and tuber crop in the world and the third most important food crop in the world!

Via Living In Peru
The Courts

Submission + - DMCA subpoenas used to protect Internet security (informationweek.com) 1

An anonymous reader writes: Many on Slashdot accuse music and movie companies of violating privacy and legal rights when they send DMCA subpoenas, and generally excoriate the DMCA subpoena process. Will they similarly condemn AVG for sending DMCA subpoenas to search engines and domain registrars in order to discover the identity of sellers of counterfeit antivirus software? Is there a difference?

How To Tell If It's Really Titanium 280

With the growing popularity of titanium, some disreputable merchandisers are passing off other materials as the more expensive metal. Popular Science looks at a surefire way to prove what that credit card/crowbar/ring is really made of. "Hold any genuine titanium metal object to a grinding wheel (even a little grindstone on a Dremel tool will do), and it gives off a shower of brilliant white sparks unlike any softer common metal. The sparks are tiny pieces of cut titanium--the friction of the grinder heats them till they burn white-hot. Hold a grindstone to the shackle of a "titanium" padlock from Master Lock, however, and you'll instead see the telltale fine, long, yellow sparks of high-carbon steel."

Submission + - YouTube censoring atheists. (youtube.com)

Metaleks writes: 'Tis the season to be jolly. But all is not well. It would seem that YouTube is censoring those who lack Christmas spirit. One after another, atheists on YouTube are being removed from Top 100 lists, and having their channels stripped of any honours. To prove this wasn't some sort of YouTube glitch, one atheist went as far as creating another account. As soon as he was "discovered" of being an atheist his videos were stripped of any honours and his name taken off of the Top 100 lists. Why is YouTube censoring atheists?

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