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Comment Re:What about users? (Score 4, Informative) 81

With Mullvad your username is your account number and the password is a lowercase m. It's pretty hard to lose. Also, they offer 1, 3, 6, and 12-month subs, which end at a random time up to a day after when it should be up to avoid the method you mention (my current one is about half a day extra). They don't even track what length sub you bought and don't discount for more length. I'd imagine that using payment processor metadata to track the purchase would be quite difficult.

Comment Re:What about users? (Score 1) 81

Mullvad users have account numbers and are identified by such. They don't even keep the payment receipts beyond a couple of weeks. If Mullvad doesn't log usage by account number, then even if the cops have the users account number, there's still nothing for them to get.

Comment Re:Thanks Biden (Score 1) 195

Realistically, you'd have a bill that allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies like any other insurer. If Medicare decides not to cover your drug, you're pretty well screwed so, that would give Medicare leverage. Part of the Inflation Reduction Act specifically allows Medicare to negotiate prices on a few dozen medicines. I wish they'd just unshackled it all together but, the filibuster is a thing and Democrats only had a minimum majority in the Senate.

Comment Re:How is this not a grift? (Score 1) 123

While this is generally true, a 100-level history or geography textbook would probably require proper sourcing and relatively recent information. A thirty-year-old geography book would likely still have Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia as nations. Specifically concerning the latter, you definitely want properly sourced information to avoid issues. I say this as someone who in the mid-to-late 90s had textbooks that still had the USSR on maps.

Comment Re:Better Ways to Solve Demographic Problems (Score 5, Informative) 391

This is not the case. The Ohio trigger law doesn't allow any exceptions. A ten-year-old girl in Ohio had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion after being abused. This only worked because Indiana hasn't passed an anti-abortion law yet (they have a special legislative session planned for July 25th).

Comment Re:"The Beating of a Liberal" (Score 4, Insightful) 126

I'm guessing that, in your fantasy world, there are no liberal Marines? They exist, and they are just as capable as the ones you are imagining. Fortunately for our nation, regardless of their political leanings, soldiers as a whole tend to be less violently minded than your delusion suggests.

Comment Re:Even commies have to work. (Score 5, Informative) 126

There are systems between (nearly) unfettered capitalism and pure Marxist communism. For example, many countries have a minimum number of vacation days that must be offered to employees. Those nations still have positive GDP growth without grinding their citizens into dust. By the way, I have moderator points. I chose to comment rather than downmod you.

Comment Not Completely Relevant Here (Score 5, Interesting) 126

Many of the issues that come with unlimited paid time off are solved by the other thing that Goldman Sachs did, set a minimum number of vacation days that every employee must take. With the 15 days a year requirement, there's no longer an issue of people not taking the days due to pressure since, instead, there's pressure to take them.

Comment Re:Like a grieving Russian mother will want it (Score 1) 135

Unfortunately, the war in Afghanistan started almost twenty-one years ago. There are voting Americans who were either not alive then or who weren't old enough to have memories of the start of that war. For them, it's just one of those wars in America's past. For anyone reading this, both Afghanistan and Iraq were actually declared wars. The war in Afghanistan was declared because the Taliban (the government of Afghanistan at the time) was harboring Al Qaeda who was behind the 9/11 attacks. The war in Iraq, on the other hand, was based on the pretext of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and possibly having been involved with Al Qaeda. In hindsight, (and some people had figured this out at the time but they were ignored) neither of these claims were true.

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