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Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Alternatives to Groklaw?

harryjohnston writes: "Having been kicked off Groklaw a while back for "ignorance", i.e., having opinions differing from those of the owner, I'm looking for an alternative source of news/commentary about legal issues relating to technology — other than Slashdot itself, of course! Any suggestions?"

Submission + - Rumors that next xBox wont' except used games (

Teese writes: "Here's the meat: "'ve heard from one reliable industry source that Microsoft intends to incorporate some sort of anti-used game system as part of their so-called Xbox 720."

There's no way MS can be that foolish, is there?"

Submission + - US Drone "Hijacked" By Iran Claims Engineer (

clm1970 writes: An Iranian engineer claims the recent drone that crashed in Iran was actually hijacked by the military exploiting a well known weakness in GPS technology. It was as simple as reprogramming the coordinates to think it was landing in Afghanistan and not Iran.

Comment Re:The Slashdot Firefox Paradox (Score 3, Informative) 279

Ironically, the primary site for which I really need a faster Javascript engine is Slashdot. For a heavily-commented article I switch to Chrome.

Is chrome the only broswer that has problems with the idle.slashdot comment thread. It anytime I try to open a closed comment, it refreshes the page and only gives me the comment, it doesn't expand the comment inline like it does in a normal comment thread. I've always been to lazy to try other broswers.

Comment Re:Not exactly. (Score 1) 362

There's the whole visited link color issue. basically the page can see the tell what the color of a link is, and if the color is the "visited link" color, you know the user visits that page. so the page puts up a bunch of urls, checks to see which of the URLs are in the visited link color, They now know which sites you have visited somewhat recently.

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