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Comment Re:Why build one (Score 1) 465

Why build one... when you can build two for twice the price!?

Americans seem to have some kind of habit doing that. Often when I go to Amazon to check some reviews, for example for a computer or a portable heater, there's always comments like "great product, have to grab a couple of more". It certainly is not always obvious to me why the reviewer would need the extra units.

Submission + - Modding Community Putting HD Textures Into Resident Evil 4

jones_supa writes: The Ultimate HD Edition of Resident Evil 4 does not fully adhere to its name, as terrain textures are actually not in high definition. A couple of fans called Cris and Albert are chiming in to help fixing this deficiency. The pair is working for free to create the RE4 HD Project, a mod which is cleaning up the game's chunky textures and producing some nice and sharp screenshots. At present, it looks like the project is already about half complete, and an HD texture pack for the Village section of the game is available at the project website.

Comment Re:Mickey Mouse copyirght extenstions... (Score 0) 183

The copyright on old Mickey Mouse cartoons, the copyright on the design of the Mickey Mouse character, etc. should expire because copyright laws are meant to encourage the production of new works, and not to let Disney executives sit on their ass while earning an income from something a dead animator made almost a hundred years ago.

I don't see anything terribly wrong in that. There are more important battles to fight.

Comment Let's be specific here (Score 2) 391

The reason that the listeners could not hear a difference is not because the cables did not differ in quality, but because Ethernet is digital and has the capabilities of error correction and retransmit. The chip might have extra signal processing as well, to do noise reduction for example. In the test, these kind of characteristics were enough to fully compensate for the flaws of the crusty cable.

There's still many scenarios in which you can benefit from better EMI shielding and conductivity, even when talking about a digital application.

Submission + - Lennart Poettering Announces the First systemd Conference (

jones_supa writes: Lennart Poettering, the creator of the controversial init system and service manager for Linux-based operating systems, had the great pleasure of announcing the first systemd conference event. Dubbed systemd.conf, the event will take place later this year, between November 5-7, in Berlin, Germany. systemd developers and hackers, DevOps professionals, and Linux distribution packagers will be able to attend various workshops, as well as to collaborate with their fellow developers and plan the future of the project. Attendees will also be able to participate in an extended hackfest event, as well as numerous presentations held by important names in the systemd project, including Poettering himself.

Comment Re:Bravo (Score 1) 184

Nice to see vendors working together to improve Linux.

Well, Samsung had some SSDs to sell. It's part of the open source philosophy: you scratch your own itch, and everyone benefits.

Still, the problem is that we don't arrive at a well-rounded result. Fixing some things here and there is not deep QA. After stories like this I always get cold chills imagining what else broken is there.

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