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Comment Applicable to society? (Score 1) 124

So if it's true, can we apply it to every other aspect of our lives? How about applying it to a society? If there is something bad about the society, the only way to fix it is to make it worse, by taking out more goodness from the society, until it reaches a point where it's 'good' again? Who defines what's good and what's not in this case?

Comment Re:Dawkin's is a piss poor social scientist (Score 1) 862

LOL! No. How did you come to this conclusion. Few atheists would deny the existence radio waves, bacteria, electrons...sounds...

That's still 'visible' to the eye, and by that mean it's observable, through scientific means (hence the reason why visible was in quotes).

Comment Who's next? (Score 1) 575

"When a service is "free," it really means they're making money off of you and your information." So Google should be next in line! Let us know beforehand so we can stop using that part of Google, unless they want to take ALL of Google out ...

Comment Re:Nuclear Iran. (Score 1) 204

Just to clarify, there is no incursion and fighting in Pakistan with border patrols. The Pakistani government has allowed these drone strikes to be conducted on its own citizen for the "cool" amount of money they get from US. Keeps all parties happy, except the Pakistani people themselves. As far as keeping yourself immune from US government's involvement is concerned, it's better for a country to be neutral rather than be ally or against US, because either way, it turns out bad for the country.

Comment Aren't we hypocrites too? (Score 1) 427

If we are all concerned about the global warming and carbon footprint, why don't we stop using everything that burns fuel, like cars, buses, trains/subways, shut down all coal and nuclear powered power plants. We should all use bikes with recyclable parts or just walk wherever we want to. Sounds plausible? I didn't think so either. We should stop dissing rich people for their "polluting deeds" when we can't change our own!

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"The fundamental principle of science, the definition almost, is this: the sole test of the validity of any idea is experiment." -- Richard P. Feynman
