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Comment Re:The UK border staff are wildly incompetent. (Score 1) 261

"Allah Admiral Akbar! It's a trap!"

FTFY. Dunno why that sad little border guard believes he's owned by the US, but otoh the US certainly believes they own Britain. And they clearly own Louise Douche-Mensch who seems to be borderline terrorist herself, scared to let human rights exist or be acknowledged. In other news, beta inhales balls and chokes.

Comment Re:dev adv ftw (Score 1) 665

No, I'm objecting to the specious logic of spazmania. Show the experiments and conclusive results showing evolution of divergent species and I'll happily concede the point.

Meanwhile, we believe in evolution without the type of evidence demanded by spazmania of creationists/IDers. Almost like a religion in own right.

Arguing this stuff is like winning the special olympics until the theory is properly tested which IIRC nobody has done yet.

Comment dev adv ftw (Score 0, Troll) 665

Good luck testing the theory of evolution. Part of the problem is that, barring Elvish researchers entering the arena, we've got precious few observers qualified to attest to evolution of divergent species. Fruit flies shifting to one end of the bell curve is nothing like Darwinian evolution, it's more like breeding shorter Daschunds.

By your definition of "testable predictions" Darwinian evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design would all seem to be in the same category of pseudo-science.

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