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Comment Re:What's the voltage? (Score 2) 14

Relevant excerpt

For mobile applications, our prototypical controller uses a small driver IC (Model Durel D356B, sine wave, 220 Vpp, 230Hz to 390Hz). This driver IC generates the high-voltage AC signal from a 1.0-7.0V DC power source. If a higher luminance is required, a stronger 0-12.0V driver IC with a slightly bigger footprint can be used (Model Sparkfun DC12V10M, sine wave, 220Vpp, 800Hz to 3.5KHz). A microcontroller (ATmega2560) triggers optocouplers (MOC3063) for multiplexing the high-voltage signal between display pins.

Comment Re: nice, now for the real fight (Score 1) 631

Netflix. That is ultimately what all the support is about. A fear that they won't be able to stream shows at will. Now a 5 member panel has started down the path of control of the internet. It's amazing how much complaint I have seen from proponents about the 2 members that voted against it. Calling them unintelligent fuckwits or shills for corporate interests. Well That's the quality of the people on the panel. There is a complete disconnect celebrating them having control on one hand and saying nearly all of them are not qualified to make decisions about the internet on the other. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for limiting these large corporations that are basically monopolies. But A five member unelected group is not who I want to do it.

Comment Re:New design (Score 0) 91

I have text wrapping back over other text some places and text running off screen others. Buttons and links overlapping other content all over the place. Is it so hard to test this before you go live? Does the news for nerds site not have one person on staff that can handle a little css properly?

Comment Re:Useless Art Project (Score 1) 163

Currently, it can only beam your PLA self a few inches to the left. By the looks of it, that vacuum system will likely prove inadequate-- leaving your PLA self standing in a pool of your original self that was slowing milled to death. Also, be sure that no matter how much it hurts, to stay perfectly still through the milling process.

Comment Re:Useless Art Project (Score 1) 163

Yes, pointless art-- that's the problem with it. Had it been good art it would have met one of the qualifiers GP mentioned. Nobody attacked art, they only attacked this one idea that was poorly executed.

Now I'm sure we can have long discussion arguing about what qualifies as good art, but wherever the line is, clearly this is below it and Stravinsky is above it. Anyone who wants to argue against that is just being difficult or trying to prove to others (or themselves) that they are an idealist.

Comment Re:For a sufficiently low value of "printed" (Score 4, Insightful) 98

they are very, very far from truly 3D-printing an entire building

has anyone actually stated that as a goal, or are you getting hung up on semantics?

They did all the right moves without understanding what it really takes to do it.

I think you misunderstand more things than they do. Beside missing the intentions and goals, like above, you don't seem to understand that no matter how clean you can the printed structural wall, nobody will be satisfied with it and throw up sheetrock or paneling. The difference between doing that on a perfectly smooth wall and one with a finish like this is trivial if you have a package of shims. This tech enables a smaller factory to create a greater variety of precast structures and brings the setup cost to custom or low volume structural pieces down to the cost of design and eliminate much of the cost of equipment and setup of manufacturing such pieces.

It also lowers the entry level to producing premaufactured modular structures. Give me the print head and printing material and I, as well a quite a large number of hobbyists, can build the 3-axis CNC and get Open Source software to run it. Give me an architectural engineer, some laborers and a forklift or two and the plant is ready to roll with production.

3D printing in general has gone down a lot of wrong paths (like one of the main goals being able to print more printers) but when you treat it as part of the manufacturing process (rather than having the fantasy or ordering "Tea Earl Grey Hot") it's a step forward in our ability to produce as a society.

Sure, it need further development, but not only is it a step in the right direction, it is a step with the forethought and understanding of how this technology could effectively be used in the real world in the foreseeable future.

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