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Comment Re:Stop taking risky pics (Score 0) 307

1) You're making a strawman - parent said no such thing.

Don't you do the barest research before posting? You're wrong again. See here:


2) Society has already decided that you're wrong - society has already decided that there is nothing wrong in apportioning blame to the victims in certain circumstances.

And that blind assertion is just as wrong. Ignorant people may be on your side. That doesn't constitute society.

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

No one is victim blaming - if a girl gets blackout-drunk at a private party with people she doesn't know very well then she isn't guilty of being raped, she's guilty of being stupid.

You blamed the victim right there. You THINK the distinction you make makes it OK, but it doesn't. Even if she were stupid, IQ is not morality. You aren't a better person for being clever and a worse person for being stupid. There is no guilt on the victim here. You are just wrong.

Tell me, in your opinion would she still be guilty of stupidity if she went to a party and wasn't raped? What penalty should she pay for this guilt of stupidity where no one was hurt and everyone had a great time?

Comment Re:Probably not. (Score 1) 546

You do realize, that not everything in quotation marks has to be a quote, regardless of your attempted "assault on my credibility?" (See what I did there?)

I see what you did there was wrong. There are other uses of quote marks, for example in code, or to indicated invented speech in works of fiction. But in prose, you are claiming someone said something. And in both cases you've done it no one did. If you've see someone else do what you're doing then they are wrong too.


Comment Re:Link to the video (Score 1) 326

This isn't complicated. The link gives an appropriate format for everybody. webm is only useful to some. Hence the link is more useful.

The Flash comment was just wrong and irrelevant, as you may be getting webm and I'm getting H.264. Neither of us is getting flash. Although those for whom that is an acceptable format might be. Which again makes the link more useful.

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

An online backup tool - that they willingly installed - did the transfer.

No they didn't. It's built into the OS. It's asked about when first setting up the phone, but you can't blame people for following the recommended options. Most people are not geeks and don't know the implications of everything they do, and should be able to rely on the recommended options from a reputable company. Indeed, despite this news story backing up *IS* the best thing.

Indeed, but that doesn't mean it's wrong to say the victims failed to take sensible basic steps to protect themselves.

It's a nuanced thing. Doing so at the time of the news of the crime in 99% of cases comes across as blaming the victim, and most of those cases, intentionally so. It's no different from saying a rape victim shouldn't have worn a short skirt. And I would hope you wouldn't do that.

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

Insurance companies are no different from bookmakers. They accept bets. And via the insurance contract they get to set the rules by which the bets are settled. Their rules and morality are not at all in line.

That particular angle you described is bizarre though. If you'd left the lock at home, or had it in your backpack, you could remove the key and show them. Or you could simply buy another lock to get the keys. It sounds like it's simply a matter of trying to make it more of a pain in the ass to claim.

Comment Re:Stop taking risky pics (Score 1) 307

I suppose you don't mean to imply that the fact he was there because of his job makes any difference? Would you shift the blame in other circumstances?

Certainly not. It was simply a quick way of making the OP see that his point was ridiculous. No victim is ever to blame for the crime done to them.

I was beginning to think I was on my own with the this. Thanks for opening your mouth in the end!

Comment Re:Stop taking risky pics (Score 1) 307

You have a serious problem with logic - try telling your insurance that, yes, even though you left your car in a rough part of town, overnight, with the keys in the ignition and all the windows rolled down, that they have to pay up because "it's 100% the criminals fault".

I'd certainly expect to be paid out if it were parked in a "bad part of town". But the keys part is simply a part of the contract between you. You are still not in any way to blame for the crime you are a victim of.

Furthermore, your example shows how you have to move the goalposts. The celebrities did not leave their passwords somewhere.

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

You are conflating responsibility, blame and fault into one and single thing.

I'm afraid you're miscomprehending. In computer terms you're confusing the if statement with the contents of the optional block. Saying responsibility implies fault if you do the wrong thing is NOT saying responsibility = fault. I did not say they were a single thing.

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