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Comment Re:Not true in many ways (Score 1) 711

> I mean honestly, what statement of mine do you disagree with?
"If you're against copyright, then you're against the GPL."
For the third time.

You do not understand, or do not want to understand, that a world without copyright is not close to a world with copyright + BSD.

> In my personal politics I tend more towards the libertarian than the paternalistic. I'm a live and let live type. I view most attempts to control how other people live as somewhat unsavory at best. Having said that, I appreciate both licenses for their flexibilities, use GPL programs, and have donated to both GPL and BSD projects.

Reading your comments, I don't believe a word of it.

I thought you were retarded, but I now think it is worse, you are just dishonest. There is absolutely no use talking to you.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
