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Comment Re:Duh (Score 2) 818

Even in our (Australia's) supposedly modern democracy, politicians can say anything at all to get elected and can't be held to it once they are. And once they're in they can hide behind things like parliamentary privelege and say anything they like without having to prove it's true.

There is NO true democracy anywhere in the world as far as I know.

Comment Re:Burned once (Score 1) 194

You haven't been burned just once. Every car that's been made with built-in iPod support but no equivalent open standard connector has been made obsolete by Apple, so you've been screwed by proxy via your automaker as well.

We should boycott this shit so hard, I already have a useless connector in my car and I'll be reminded every time I sit in it that that's Apple's fault.

Comment Re:I'm all for religious freedom... (Score 1) 1482

It's true, he can't possibly close his argument. However his premise is muddied by the fact that he sees this as a 'moral' argument rather than simply one of freedom not to be persecuted for rational choices by irrational people. For example, someone reading bullshit from 2000 years ago literally and calling it 'truth'.

99% of Christians have no morals. 99% of moral people aren't Christian. Reexamine your premise and try again. ;-)

Comment Re:Im all for human rights... (Score 1) 1482

Anti-forcing-people-to-be-pro-gay is just paranoia from people who can't separate others rights from their own 'goals'.

Until we invent telepathy, nobody is forcing you to be pro or anti thinking about anything.

If the idea of other people doing what they want in private scares you, it's *you* who need to question what *you* want to force others to do.

Comment Re:Im all for human rights... (Score 1) 1482

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.

I just love it when people quote the Bible. Every single word is so ridiculous.

So God had the poops and decided... what? To change his infallible master plan in order to cause these humans to go crazy (remember if God exists, they have no free will anyway)? Or did he know all along that he was going to fuck with these people and simply watched it happen (setting someone unsuspecting up for a fall and then laughing when it happens)?

It's just so funny when not a single sentence could be adequately rationalised, let alone the whole 'principle' that people try to glean from it.

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