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Comment Re:13 deaths? (Score 1) 518

Things like mandatory rear view cameras for people who are too lazy to look in the rear view mirror...

Of course you realize that, when backing up, it's better to turn and actually look out the back window - right? In addition to directly seeing what's behind you, you also get a better view out the side windows for things that may be moving toward the back of the car...

Comment Re:AutoPlay Audio is EVIL (Score 1) 142

Please have an option to turn that audio OFF.

I added a filter to my Proxomitron proxy to strip out the "autoplay" tag from the audio element on /. pages. (Am considering stripping out the audio element all together.) Regardless of whether this is an April Fools day joke or not, the person who decided to use the "autoplay" tag should be taken out back and beaten into unconsciousness.

Comment Re:Faster, but smarter? (Score 2) 46

... Lets say there are enough specialized teams to treat 1,000 glioblastoma patients per year and they successfully treat 80% of patients. 800 saved hurray! But, for the same price, Watson could develop treatments for 10,000 patients, saving 4,000 of them.

The idea of "saved" in this case is overly optimistic.

From Glioblastoma Multiforme and Glioblastoma:

The median survival time from the time of diagnosis without any treatment is 3 months, but with treatment survival of 1–2 years is common.

For adults with more aggressive glioblastoma, treated with concurrent temozolamide and radiation therapy, median survival is about 14.6 months and two-year survival is 30%. However, a 2009 study reported that almost 10% of patients with glioblastoma may live five years or longer.

My wife died of this in 2006 just 7 weeks after diagnosis Remember Sue....
Though perhaps with Watson many more people could be, at least, helped.

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