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Comment Re:Ethics (Score 4, Informative) 321

I know you are joking, but the line was plagiarized/borrowed. The original line was "life, liberty, and the pursuit of property". But It wasn't simply about the right to accumulate a bunch of luxuries; in context, it was referring to the pursuit of things that are somehow relevant to a satisfying and productive life. So it would be the right to pursue home ownership for your family, maybe fields for farming, and for many ./ers, it would be the right to accumulate gadgets, for the musically inclined, the right to procure instruments, etc. It doesn't take much of a stretch to go from this sort of enlightened satisfaction, to calling it merely "happiness" for simplicity.

Take it from someone who, at 51, is debt-free, has a net-worth of almost $2M, but lost his wife in 2006 after 20 years together, "property" does not make "happiness". Though having "things" might make your pursuit of satisfaction and/or productivity (whatever that means to you) easier, property is a means to an end. Happiness is something you realize from within and, possibly, experience with someone else.

Even after 20 years together, Sue and I held hands where ever we went - I miss that and nothing else I have can, or could ever, compensate for losing her. Remember Sue...

The line is better written as, "the pursuit of happiness."

Comment Famous last words... (Score 1) 429

The question is: does the Wheeler-DeWitt equation allow this? "We prove that once a small true vacuum bubble is created, it has the chance to expand exponentially," say the researchers.

...and then our Universe is displaced by an entirely new one.

And then there's this from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory, which states that this has already happened.[

Comment Re:America is a RINO (Score 1) 588

Perhaps that was a vote of no confidence.

That's the elephant in the room. Is the poor turnout true voter apathy as you imagine or is the apathy for a process perceived to make no difference.

One article I read speculated that poor Hispanic turnout was because they're angry with Obama for not pushing harder for Immigration Reform. Personally, I think that not voting because of something that would be stupid, as you're just giving the other side more opportunity to make things worse...

Who knows all the real reasons. Perhaps the parent post was correct: voters are retarded.

Comment Re:America is a RINO (Score 4, Insightful) 588

The system just doesn't really allow a message of "fuck BOTH of them"

It does. It's just that voters are retarded.

And apathetic. There were only about 15 people at my polling place yesterday when I voted and I, at 51, was the youngest there. The rest were probably like my mother, voting Republican because they despise Obama and the Affordable Care Act, while enjoying their Medicare - which, ironically, I pay for - or their Tricare. Or, also like my mother, don't want to pay taxes anymore, even though those taxes pay for infrastructure (road) repairs, the Police and Fire departments, etc... (sigh)

Democrats failed to inspire their base to give a fuck.

Comment Equation (Score 1) 91

If any of you have expertise in this area, could you share your thoughts on the essence of this discovery and its associated potential practical applications?

((expertise in QM) + (expertise in photon coupling)) x (reads /.) = constant

Comment Re:How easily would non-tech users understand Myth (Score 1) 392

I'm a Unix system programmer/administrator and actually have several PCs in my house... My main PC runs Windows 7 64bit, my development system runs Ubuntu 10.04 - both attached to a 4-port KVM. My MythTV system (2.0Ghz Pentium, 1G RAM, 250GB disk - 80 hours TV recording) runs Ubuntu 10.04 (upgraded from 8.04 last weekend) attached to a 40" Sony Bravia via its VGA port. The MythTV system runs both the front/back ends and the capture cards came with an IR remote to control the MythTV menus, though you can also use a keyboard. The resource utilization seems a bit closer to the edge since upgrading Ubuntu...

As for various mixed Windows / Linux configurations, it simply depends on what's support by the underlying Linux system. I don't play w/mixed installs, so cannot answer that. Beefier hardware obviously gives you more options, like using VMs. I imagine that, given enough horsepower, you could run either Linux/Windows as the base and the other in a VM.

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