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Comment Re:You have the choice (Score 2) 97

If you're in the US, you can no longer can be denied medical insurance based on pre-existing conditions nor can your premiums be different because of those conditions - unless, of course, the Republicans succeed in abolishing the ACA.

That is simply not true. It is a State matter, and it does differ among the 13 States that created ACA exchanges. I know of at least one state that adopted the ACA except the pre-existing condition inclusion.

You are flatly incorrect. The ACA is a Federal Law and the only thing the states can opt-opt of is the Medicaid expansion - as per the Supreme Court ruling.

Perhaps you're thinking of the Pre Existing Condition Insurance Plan which was a *temporary* measure (that states could choose to participate in) that expired in 2014:

The temporary program covers a broad range of health benefits and is designed as a bridge for people with pre-existing conditions who cannot obtain health insurance coverage in today’s private insurance market.

In 2014, all Americans – regardless of their health status – will have access to affordable coverage either through their employer or through Health Insurance Marketplaces, and insurers will be prohibited from charging more or denying coverage to anyone based on the state of their health.

Comment Re:You have the choice (Score 2) 97

and a life time of being on the Pre-Existing Conditions black list. I don't think the ER covers much of the cancer stuff. If you get layed off at 60 just do some time in jail till you can get on medicare

If you're in the US, you can no longer can be denied medical insurance based on pre-existing conditions nor can your premiums be different because of those conditions - unless, of course, the Republicans succeed in abolishing the ACA.

Comment Re:i'th Post (Score 5, Informative) 366

Grow up Florida.

Grow up Florida.

It's not really a Florida thing, but a Republican thing. From TFA:

This unwritten policy went into effect after Gov. Rick Scott took office in 2011 and appointed Herschel Vinyard Jr. as the DEP’s director, according to former DEP employees.

Be prepared for this sort of thing from other Republican states because apparently, according to their ostrich-like logic, not talking about something means it isn't happening and can't/won't happen. (Though, in Florida, sticking your head in the sand might mean you might drown from the increasingly rising tides.)

Of course, Rick Scott and many other Republicans have otherwise simply side-stepped these kind of issues by declaring: I am not a scientist.

Comment hostile replies? (Score 2) 338

From TFP:

Hello, Julien Tinnes from google says that next releases of chromium will drops support for kernels without TSYNC. Ubuntu 14.10 already has been patched. Can I to expect that debian 8/jessie will have support for TSYNC?

Sounds like another good reason to not use Google spyware.

Google Chrome for Linux is the only possibility to use latest version of Adobe flash player for Linux as far as I know.

another good reason not to use it.

I read that as more snarky than hostile.

Comment Re:No. (Score 3, Insightful) 765

I have watched a few Poettering videos and he comes off as a massively arrogant douche bag (but I am a fan of Linus and RMS so *shrug*).

How do you feel about Theo? I think there must be some deep psychological understanding you can come to based on people's reactions to Linus, RMS, Theo, and Poettering, but I have no idea what.

All four of them are massively arrogant, though three have earned it and deserve some respect, but only one is a douche bag.

Comment Re:I read this and immediately thought (Score 2) 145

"What the fuck did I just read?"

Having only cringed at the previews and not actually seen CSI: Cyber, I can only say that what you just read is the the first /. Summary that perfectly described my initial reaction to, and feelings about, something I'm never going to watch. "Perfectly focus-grouped cast," indeed.

Comment Re:weird numbers on certs (Score 1) 94

Agreed, but rather than M$ systems, I was thinking other Unix systems, and not necessarily Internet facing. I've worked several places, admittedly a while ago, that still rely on big-iron systems running Solaris, HP-UX, etc... That kind of hardware can have advantages over a lot of hardware usually used to run Linux (VMs or bare-metal), but you also pay for it.

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