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Comment The customer always pays (Score 5, Insightful) 248

We pay for our bandwidth and now the greedy ISPs are wanting to get paid by the content providers (Netflix, Hulu, etc). Do you really think they are going to absorb the additional costs if this continues? Of course not, they will raise their prices.

ISPs rarely deliver what you pay for so them crying that its the content providers fault is BS. The problem is lack of real competition in the ISP market. Most folks have a choice between cable and DSL. Two isn't enough to be very competitive.

Comment Skill vs sport (Score 2) 405

I consider games like golf and chess skills rather than sports. To me, sports rely more on athletic factors like speed and strength. Sports competitions are more likely to be divided by sexes (chess shouldn't be) and/or weight classes. Skills competitions shouldn't require divisions by sex or size.

It's a blurry line I have drawn for myself but, right or wrong, that is how I feel about it. I should probably duck now.

Comment Re:It's not arrogant, it's correct. (Score 1) 466

"OK so you don't understand how the internet works...."

I've been around a while so I'm pretty sure I have a good enough understanding of how the Internet and companies like AT&T work. This whole thing is a money grab by AT&T (and others). Once they set a precedent there is little to stop them from shaking down others like Netflix and anyone that offers a service that competes with them.

"Hey uhhh, how ya doin? That's a really really nice Internet biznesss you got going there. I would really hate for something to happen to your traffic. I tell ya wut. Today is your lucky day. We just happen to offer insurance for people like you to make sure nuttin happens to those pretty little packets of yours."

Now multiply that times every decent sized ISP and peering provider.

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