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Comment Thank God! (Score 1) 703

It always amazes me these idiots who make bold and sweepingly broad statements about California: "It's a desert! It's always been a desert!" Well, people, WTFU, because California actually has quite a few different climatic zones, and declaring the Central Valley a desert is nonsense.

Thanks for pointing this out!

Comment Re:sure, no problem (Score 1) 245

watch a divx movie on the screen of an ABB Gas Chromatograph.

You mean they watched a movie using the computer connected to the GC...

If you have your acquisition pc network vlan'd AND have that vlan blocked from going to the internet via firewall rules and/or proxy and/or GPO, then they can't be streaming movies.

If the pc in question auto logs on, and the logon account isn't administrator(and this isn't XP), and the usb ports are turned off in BIOS, then they couldn't install DIVX viewer or other such software for watching movies.

But yes, people are ingenious in finding ways to get around rules designed to stop them from having fun.

Comment Re:Maybe... stop growing food in a desert? (Score 4, Informative) 545

Not true.
What do you think Silicon Valley and the surrounding areas were before HP, et al took up shop?
Farms, orchards and ranches. And this was before the 1950's.
From Salinas, Watsonville, over the hill to Los Gatos, all of the Santa Clara valley, up the peninsula, across the bay, up in the north bay...
Tons of food was grown and rasied around the bay area before it turned into a hipster billionaires playground. Hell, there may still be some orchards hiding in Los Altos...

I think you are talking about southern California, which is a desert.

The Mediterranean Climate areas of the state, and especially the bay area and areas north were extremely fruitful and supported the largest numbers of native Americans on the continent before Europeans arrived.

Comment Re:Stupid "Activist" Junk Science (Score 1) 545

and turn California's most fertile farming area turn into a desert in order to "save" some freaking minnows that actually need MORE water, not less.

TFA speaks about alfalfa growers in the Imperial Valley of California, which was and is a desert.
From Wikipedia: "Bordered by sand dunes and barren mountains, it was uninhabited until 1901, when the Imperial Canal was opened and diverted Colorado River water into the valley through Mexico."

With the water restrictions that are coming due to changes in the Colorado River Compact(which is where Imperial Valley gets its water, not from any source in California proper...) the Imperial Valley alfalfa farmers are going to be hard pressed. Their cheap water is coming to an end and they know it...

There are water issues in the norther third of the state regarding the Delta and fish on the Trinity and Klamath rivers. However that is hundreds of miles away in northern California. Maybe those are the minnows you are mentioning. You need to remember though that there is a fishing industry that makes money from the Salmon up there, and they are being hurt by the water being diverted in northern California and southern Oregon for the same type of alfalfa growing...

It's usually better to research what you post before you post it. It saves you from looking like a tool.
Perhaps you should stick to letting Big Money steal elections in Michigan...

Comment Re:Most alfalfa growers are welfare queens. (Score 4, Interesting) 545

Not only that, but FTFA it shows that the Imperial Valley alfalfa growers are getting their water from the All American Canal, which by no means goes over the Sierra Nevada.

Essentially this situation is more of the same fucked up water management of the Colorado River Basin, where uses for the water are illogical and based on greed, cronyism and short term thinking.

Don't worry though, this will change.

Comment Re:The Manifesto of Futurism (Score 1) 293

Marinetti was a douchebag blowhard like the rest of the fascists.

It's interesting how much pent up violence, psychopathy and uber-paternalistic bullshit the early twentieth century engendered.
And yes, there are many famous early twentieth century Americans you can add to that list.

This reads like Mein Kampf...

6. The poet must spend himself with ardor, splendor, and generosity, to swell the enthusiastic fervor of the primordial elements.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

I wonder what Freud, another early twentieth century bullshitter, would think of it?

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