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Comment Re:Poor security standards (Score 2) 64

Like you said it should be part of a defence in depth strategy. Good secure coding practices are fundamental and a must but you can't rely on that alone. Deadlines get tight, people/QA get sloppy. Also sometimes you have no choice but to rely on 3rd party applications and who knows how these were developed (what is powering forums at Site is offline at this time).

Even with a layered approach, bypassing any security mechanism is still possible but you should keep at least the less skilled attackers out.

Comment Re:Arrogance/ego/"INDEPENDANT" hiatus. (Score 1) 89

About two years ago Sophos was highly critical of the way Tavis disclosed a high profile vulnerability in Windows calling it irresponsible.

Looks like Tavis did not too took it too well and has been since going after Sophos products.His tone in the latest paper is simply a reflection of the feud between the two.

Comment Re:What comes after? (Score 1) 262

Quantum computing threatens only public key crypto, secret key crypto is not affected. So how do you solve the key distribution problem if traditional algorithms are insecure? Either you use quantum key distribution or you base your public key crypto on a mathematical problem not affected by quantum computing.

In any case fundamentals of cryptography should be the least of your concerns as vulnerabilities are usually found in the implementation and usage.

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