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Comment Re:Jealous much? (Score 2) 431

I don't think that this has to be a FUD scenario. I think law enforcement has a job to do, and they get to use certain tools to do it. If one of those tools becomes ineffective, then they have more trouble doing their job. Then they will complain because they are still expected to do their jobs.

Every year the city of Philadelphia along seizes $5.8m in civil forfeitures. Less than what robbers steal in that city. Right now, I'm more scared of being robbed by cops than by crooks. That's because cops are currently stealing more than the criminals on a dollar for dollar basis. Stuff like this...

Can you see why we don't trust them? Now tell me why again I should expose my personal information to them, (and ID thieves) to make their job easier? Maybe I'm not certain who I'm more scared of? And maybe I'm not sure them doing their job making my life better or safer. Maybe I think they are worse than the criminals. And it doesn't seem to matter what level of government we are talking about, local, state, or federal. Might be time to start over again with LE, and this time not exclude people with an IQ higher than 102.

Comment Re:Nice troll (Score 1) 552

It's widely believed that Henry Ford also upped wages to expand his market — paying employees enough to buy the cars they made. While that wasn't Ford's main motivation, it was a welcome byproduct, and a game changer, says University of California, Berkeley, labor economist Harley Shaiken.

Comment Re:What Paul Graham doesn't get... (Score 1) 552

HP was famous for having parallel tracks for management and engineering talent. Promotion didn't mean moving to management, that was a separate skill set and managers would often be paid less than the people that they were managing.

I think IBM was initially known for this. It spread to most other major technical companies during the era when IBM was dominate. Sadly this seems to have stopped in many places now. Many software firms do still do this but not nearly as should.

Comment Re:ETL (Score 1) 55

I remember Cloudera saying that most people use hadoop for ETL. Not sure if you've checked, but hadoop is like the ne plus ultra of ETL tools. It's worth a look if you have to transform lots and lots of data.

Um, for what purpose? After you use it as an "ETL" tool, the idea is that afterwards you can query it, analyze it, etc. Traditionally you used an ETL tool to get data into a database then used tools that spoke SQL to analyze the data. With Hadoop, you have to write all your ETL tools yourself. So using Hadoop as an ETL tool is really a bridge to nowhere.

Comment Re:I guess Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking (Score 1) 417

I fear unethical humans programing AI computers to things and then just stepping back and taking no responsibility for the outcomes as they effect individuals.

They already do that, but instead of AI, but they call it corporate policy. I somehow doubt AI can be significantly more harmful than corporate executives making a one size fits all solution for corporate behavior.

Comment Re:Qt... (Score 1) 89

Does QT use xlib or xcb under the hood on X11 based systems. I ask because I would like to thread applications without worrying about the finicky nature of xlib when threading is involved.

I'm not 100% sure but I think xlib. xcb is mostly dead these days, or so I get that impression. I really wish xcb had more traction but only a few apps need this type of multi-threaded GUI functionality (my app being one of those few) so it seems to get left behind.

Comment Re:Qt... (Score 4, Insightful) 89

Couldn't agree more. I spent 3 years writing an OpenGL app using GTK+. I just spent the last 6 months porting it to QT. And even with having to using C++ in places in the code (I wanted it to be pure C) I couldn't be happier with QT. And I probably couldn't be less happy with GTK+. When I finally got the GTK+ version working on windows, it had terrible performance. GTK+ is a total mess developed by people with no desire for you to use their code. For years the GTK+ devs actively questioned the usefulness of supporting OpenGL and refused to even answer questions about the OpenGL support. The devs are openly hostile to things like OpenGL and they break compatibility on a regular basis. The QT version of my app's code has probably 30000 fewer lines due to far more sane APIs and much more useful widget APIs. Why anyone in this day would use GTK+ for anything unless they were required to use only pure C in their app is beyond me.

Comment Re:Boys are naturally curious... (Score 1) 608

There are many double standards in our society. If a guy beds many girls, he's a stud. If she does, she's a slut. That's just one classic example.

This is something I've always seen girls do to girls more than boys to girls. The obvious counterpoint to this is internet trolls, but IRLI rarely see a man do this one. I've seen both sexes mention promiscuity but usually in relation to disease and protection. Males who actually have sex regularly with different partners usually discourage other males from pushing this double standard (for obvious reasons). When I see men do this, its usually a defense mechanism to protect a wounded ego due to being rejected by a female (not that that makes it OK). Which brings me to my favorite quote, "promiscuous is someone who has more sex than you".

This specific double standard has an obvious biological cause but due to modern medical tech has been largely been rendered moot. So society is trying to adjust but its obviously a slow process. Male/female relations are complex and trying to boil any of this stuff down to a simple experiment is going to be really difficult or plain unethical. Some of these questions have caused debate for 1000s of years and will likely cause disagreements for centuries to come. Munches popcorn...please continue...

Comment Re: Boys are naturally curious... (Score 1) 608

My workplace is full of women who code, more than men, but to support their primary interest: neuroscience.

Just an observation. Most scientists I've ever met think they can code, but almost all of them produce terrible code that at best was up to par with a badly coded video game. See, its possible to hold biases against all sorts of different groups. In this case, its a highly educated group of both men and women from a wide swath of races. However, in my experience because of a combination of their own intelligence and their lack of a formal basis in programming combines to create someone who can't code their way out of a paper bag. Great neurosciencists probably but certainly terrible coders. Now, what does that mean for the topic at hand? It takes a great amount of dedication to become a really good programmer and perhaps women just don't want to go on a career path where they compete with a large amount of people who are willing to put in the time and effort to become really good at this esoteric profession.

Assuming that money is their only (or major) factor they use to determine what to major/focus upon in college is a projection others do. Perhaps if you could see the world through the eyes of a young women considering studying in CS, you might find that there are other factors at play here. Maybe programming, no matter how you dress it up isn't something most women want to spend their life doing? I don't know...but you don't either...

Comment Re:Too much of a good thing (Score 1) 240

if (0 == foo) { /// do something }

Make your comparisons with the constant on the left side of the comparison operator...that way you can't accidentally put = where == should be because the compiler won't compile 0 = foo but will compile 0 == foo. Surprised you haven't heard of that one before...doesn't handle all cases but it does handle 95% of them. In 20 years of professional programming I've never made the dreaded = instead of == mistake because of that simple idiom.

Comment Re:The sliding scale of activist groups. (Score 1) 367

Farm animals are not much better off than if they were in the wild. Sure, they get food, but they are slaughtered as soon as they reach full size. Dairy cows might have it a little better, depending on your point of view, but most of their babies certainly don't have it better.

What is animal abuse? Going by what gets media and court attention, it seems like the definition of animal abuse in America is treating dogs and cats as farm animals.

I'm not sure you understand what a dairy cow actually is from your post. You seem to be confusing dairy and beef cows which are completely different breeds, literally. A dairy cow isn't slaughtered for meat unless its diseased and going to be made into dog food. In that case, euthanasia is actually the most humane treatment (a short quick death instead of a long suffering death). And the female babies become dairy cows...the male babies become studs (a better life is hard to imagine) or veal. This mimics how cow herds actually work in the wild with females being preserved and males in a feast or famine situation. Generally a dairy cow has a pretty good life, the beef cows, not so much.

As someone who grew up on a farm, one of the biggest complaints I have about PETA (and their ilk) is that they seem to know nothing about how agriculture actually works but are very eager to change farming. This is a bit like putting hair dressers in charge of IT in your company. They are great at getting attention, as to producing the desired results, not so much...

Comment Re:Why would they accepts fantasy money? (Score 1) 94

The blockchain is nothing more than a transaction record. It doesn't "enable" anything.

Bitcoin (and all blockchain tech) solves the Byzantine Generals Problem which is a classic problem of computer science. It means you can create distributed exchanges of virtual or real property in the face of people trying to lie, cheat, or steal. Its actually a pretty big achievement. There are distributed market places, distributed exchanges and other interesting developments in the works all based on the fact that we can now build software on top of blockchains. But please continue to tell us how Bitcoin doesn't enable anything and whatever DB table you (or your bank) use to store transactions is more secure than that.

Comment Re:Easy to solve (Score 3, Insightful) 143

It wasn't foresight; same as for the EPA, labor laws, OSHA, ...

Wow. For you Tea Baggists - oh, I'm sorry, "Libertarians" - it always comes back to the EPA and OSHA...

He isn't saying there shouldn't be an EPA or OSHA, he's saying that people had problems then came up with the regulatory solution (ie creating the EPA). WTF are you responding to? I don't even think the GP is a tea partier.

PS I'm a Democrat, not trusting the FED (which is a rational position if you know its history) isn't the same as being a Tea Party member. Its just one issue out of many and one that quiet a few Occupiers would agree with (well the ones that know what the FED is anyway). Now go troll elsewhere.

Comment Re:dream on (Score 1) 155

Jealous much?

I had *no* fiscal support from my family for MIT: I was an emancipated minor at 16. Most of my peers worked their *asses* off to make ends meet. MIT is *filled* with people whose parents didn't or couldn't fund their full costs: they have a "needs blind" admission program that is very helpful to kids, and families, who struggle with the costs.

So you can take your jealousy and put it somewhere else.

CMU is much the same way. No legacy admissions and grants and scholarships are entirely need based and not an honor (like say the Rhodes Scholarship is). Keep in mind that this for the CS departments, other schools in the universities are a bit different.

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