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Comment Re:And nothing of value was lost... (Score 2) 330

Exactly. My 87 years old granddad use skype. Skype is the single non-opensource piece of software I have installed on my laptom, BTW all bunch of 32-bit compatibility libs are installed on my system only because of skype. I hate it, but there are no workarounds, I need it.

I hope something will force Microsoft to open Skype protocol.

Comment Re:appearing to have free will (Score 1) 401

Human decisions are unpredictable in a same sense as a dice roll is unpredictable - just too many variables. For dice roll that would be the exact specks of the dice, force and vector used on dice while throwing, surface where it lands, air density, wind, etc. For human decision that would be genetic specks of human, all his/her previous history from birth - all experience, etc. If you exactly duplicate everything for dice or for human - roll outcome would be the same. So what about free will?

Comment Re:LET THE GAMES BEGIN! (Score 1) 79

I can answer one of your questions - why some Russians have dash cameras on their cars.

- Dash cam means in case of any kind of traffic accident that can lead to legal conflict you have video of accident and an ability to use it or not. If recorded evidence is not in your favour - delete it. If it shows how this cute child jumped on the road from behind the truck right in front of your car - it might help you to avoid some jailtime.
- Set ups are not frequent any more - everybody have liability insurance so it does not make sense now, everybody is calling insurance after incidents as small as a scratch.
- You might get lucky and record plane crash,
or meteorite,
or, at least, just a deadly accident.
- Dash cams are cheap.
- In Russia you do not need permit to use dash cam.
- So why not to get dash cam?

P.S. You say "have to have dash cameras on their cars" as if it is something bad. I disagree - youtube would be boring without Russian dash cams! And while cams are not feeding stream to central location but just record it on a flash - to be erased on a next day, if nothing of interest has happened - cams are not really a threat to privacy.

Comment Re:You'd think they must be joking, but... (Score 1) 2

It looks to be real, here is Fukuppy on company website - according to Guardian english name was removed from website not long ago. This company have nothing to do with Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant besides similar name - they produce refrigerators, maybe it's a bit strange PR stunt.

Submission + - Fukuppy, Fukushima Industries new mascot. ( 2

Yomers writes: Fukuppy — the mascot of Osaka-based Fukushima Industries, which makes commercial freezers. It's a smiling egg with wings. "I'm Fukuppy. Nice to meet you," the mascot says on the company's website.

Comment Re:Books perhaps... (Score 1) 149

There's something about sitting down with a book that just doesn't work as well with a digital device, at least not yet.

Try kindle or other reader with e-inc screen. If you still prefer old style books - that is probably because you used to it, in less than 100 years paper books will be no more than curiosity, like scrolls or stone tablets with inscribed symbols. There is certainly something about sitting with stone tablet that just does not work as well with the books, but stone tablets, paper books or books on a digital devices are essentially the same - information in human readable form. Digital reader is more convenient than a paper book, same as paper book is more convenient than a stone table - information density is higher, reproduction cost is lower (practically zero for digital devices). But newer formats are less sturdy - it's not easy to destroy stone tablet, paper books burn and rot, digital devices are even more fragile. So use stone or metal tablets if your want your message to be read in couple thousands years, digital reader for everyday reading.

Always yours, Captain Obvious

Comment Re:Reference Newspapers (Score 2) 239

As a Russian I can not agree with you on Novaya Gazeta and Echo Moskvi. AFAIK those are very boring - whatever happens it's always one conclusion - Russian government is shit and country is going down. For example Snowden? Same - . Really, anything that happens anywhere - conclusion is always the same, it's just boring. Unbiased news source? LOL

Comment Re:Self-censorship then? (Score 1) 246

Does not it make it kinda even more difficult to operate discussion forum, or IRC channel, or, I dare say, anonymous imageboard like 4chan? By what logic operator may be held liable for user's postings? If unidentified person offended other person in, say, supermarket - would supermarket owner be held liable? Operator may be forced to delete offending content by court order, or at least as with DCMA complaints - by the letter from offended person, that's understandable. But to hold operator liable for user's postings - means say farewell to any forms of discussions on the internet, except where user posted content is premoderated or user have to somehow authorise with his real identity.

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