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Comment Re:Thank you, Tekla Perry! (Score 2) 37

There is no red envelope or similiar notifications button, to see replies at a glance

Click the word "Slashdot" at the top left of each page to go to the home page, and your replies should be just below your username in a box at the top of the right column.

No way to even find old comments that slip off the relatively short comment list

I get a "Load More Comments" button at the bottom.

Comment Statutory rape (Score 1) 200

But in the case of rape or murder, well, that will end family ties for a few decades.

For this purpose, would you consider "rape" to include sexual contact between an 18-year-old and a 17-year-old when the 17-year-old has presented fake ID? Or are you in the "save it for marriage to avoid accidental molestation convictions" camp?

Comment I pledge allegiance to Jehovah God (Score 1) 331

How about Pledge of Allegiance — is that a "cohesive contract"

Members of some religious groups handle this by not saying the Pledge at all. They pledge allegiance only to god, or they say a parody pledge referencing a pyrotechnic accident in 1984:

I pledge allegiance to the flag,
Michael Jackson makes me gag.
Pepsi-Cola burned him up,
Now he's selling 7 UP.

Comment Godwin on Godwin's law (Score 1) 200

In practice, the meaning of "Godwin's law" has grown from the original "later posts to threads about social topics invite more comparisons to the NSDAP" to "he who makes such a comparison loses the argument". Mike Godwin wrote about being surprised about how this law took root in popular culture: "I wanted folks who glibly compared someone else to Hitler or to Nazis to think a bit harder about the Holocaust."

Comment ArrayList and StringBuilder use this (Score 1) 486

I would realloc the buffer doubling the size each time it overflowed. This allocation strategy is simple, is bounded to 50% worst case overhead, and requires only log N reallocations for a maximum buffer size of N.

It also happens to be the policy used by Java's ArrayList and presumably by its StringBuilder.

Comment Prepare to restore from backup often (Score 4, Insightful) 267

someone who physically possesses the token has three guesses of my unlocking passphrase before the token locks itself forever and zeroes out the stored keyfile

If fat-fingering your passphrase thrice will make your data permanently inaccessible, then you better have damn good backups and a damn good data plan with which to restore them when and where you need your data.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
