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Comment Re:Cult leader's son behaving like a cult leader (Score 5, Insightful) 380

CBS is an integral part of the new US Department of Propaganda. You will never hear/see ANYthing on any of the official government "mouthpieces" that the government does not want you to hear/see. Places like Youtube are, for the moment, the one of the few places to still get "non-government-approved" news/information.. In the case of Rand Paul, he is one of the VERY few members of Congress who seem to actually have the people's best interests at heart. I'm thankful we have him on our side.. Obama-bots, feel free to mod me down... You *know* you want to...

I'm not a Republican, nor a Democrat, I'M AN AMERICAN!! AND I'M PISSED!!!!

Comment Re:Please stop the redirection to beta (Score -1, Offtopic) 179

Dice's response to the crap that is beta is surrealistically like EA's response to the mindless rollout of the latest SimCity.. I find it difficult to see what Dice brought to the table when they bought Slashdot.. unless their plan was to destroy it, in which case they're doing a bang-up job... You Go!! Dice..

Obligatory.. FUCK BETA!!

Comment Re:Beta is illogical (Score 3, Interesting) 401

But as TFA shows the sad thing is you WILL get COPD, doesn't matter how long ago you quit as you WILL get it if something else don't get you first. So if you are quitting do it because you don't want to be smelling like smoke or be out of breath, because if you have smoked more than a couple of years you might as well accept COPD is in your future regardless.

I don't know about that.. I smoked in my early 20s, during the 8 years I was in the Army, and for about 2 years after I got out, for a total of about 10 years. One day, I reached into my shirt pocket, by habit, to grab a cigarette, and I had an epiphany.. I asked myself.. "WTF are you doing to yourself???" I wadded the nearly full pack up and threw it away.. All of my friends smoked heavily and when I told them "I QUIT!", they laughed and said "nah, you'll be back..." .. Well, here I am, 40+ years later, and I've not had another cigarette since... Thanks to the "cold turkey". In fact, the smell of burning tabacco so revolts me, I get sick to my stomach when I have to negotiate the flocks of smokers puffing away outside many stores/coffee shops today.. In my last physical, last year, nothing about any COPD or emphysyma or .. (shudder) cancer... Guess I'm the exception...

Comment Re:Dice it (Score 1) 180

Apparently Dice subscribes to the Microsoft/Canonical "Do what we want.. FUCK the users of our product" schoool of thought.. Witness Windows 8 for Microsoft, and Unity for Canonical/Ubuntu... "We know what's best for you, and you'll use it and LIKE it!!".. ummm... No we won't.. For my (shudder) occassional use of Windows, its Windows 7 till hell freezes over, and, though I used to swear by Ubuntu, now I swear AT it.. Moved without regret to Debian... Wonder where I'll go when Slashdot takes the "dirtnap"... Been here since 1998 or so.. Lost my original account, thus the larger UID...

Comment Quick Fix.. (Score 1, Insightful) 374

Here's a quick fix.. Move OUT of that bat-shit insane state.. Then let those insane asylum inmates running that state try to shut you down.. These coding academies are pretty much web-based anyway, so all they have *in* California are the offices.. Those could quickly be moved out to say, Texas or Nevada, with little or no impact on the company.. I was born and raised in California, but the wife and I got out of there in the mid-90s, and moved to Nevada. Unfortunantly, we still have relatives there, so I have to make trips yearly to that nuthouse...

Comment About time!!! (Score 1) 343

ABOUT DAMN TIME!! Snowden is in my opinion, not only an American hero, but a worldwide hero.. If that pile of excrement who is currently occupying the Whitehouse can get one for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to foster world peace, Snowden deserves one FAR MORE!! Go right ahead and mod me down, Slashlibtards... You know you want to... I'm not a republican nor a democrat, I'M A FLIPPIN' AMERICAN, AND I'M PISSED!!

Comment Re:It will never go away (Score 1) 513

An interesting thought experiment.. suppose a large computer vendor, say Dell, was to *really* stick its finger in Microsofts eye and basically say "ALL of our computers will run Linux, both laptops, desktops, and servers.. Windows will be an added cost extra." .. Say a nice lightweight display manager and Ubuntu (L/XUbuntu) on the desktops/laptops, with a theme that closely mimics Windows, and CentOS on all of their servers/workstations. IF somebody just absolutely HAS to have Windows, Dell essentially puts a retail Windows 7 (or 8) on it and charges up the wazoo for it.. They would certainly HAVE to do Windows *that* way as Microsoft would have a stroke, and remove any OEM pricing.. BUT.. Since Dell is now essentially owned by Micheal Dell, he could do that, without the stockholders going for his scalp. Dell has made a lot of moves in the Linux direction, this would certainly be right up their alley..

Comment Re: classy (Score 1) 143

Sure would be interesting if you had the guts to put your handle out there when making these claims of "Not one of these hopeful wannabe astronaut will even step aboard something remotely similar to a rocket." so come 2023-2024, when the first four colonists land on Mars, we can show you what a doubting Thomas you were back in 2014.. Frankly, I believe Mars-one has a FAR better chance of accomplishing this than any government or consortium of governments.. Anyway, I wish them all the luck in the world and look forward to seeing the telecast of the landing of four humans on Mars in 2024.. I should still be around then, hopefully (74 then)...
Anyway I prefer to think positive, and I think Basdorp and his advisors have an excellent plan to accomplish this...

Comment Re:Seen it on the job: (Score 3, Funny) 181

Have seen senior managers (CEO-level) saving their daily-to-do's emails in the TRASH!!

Back in the 90s, the company I worked for at the time, was a Novell+Groupwise shop, and we discovered that the company CEO was saving important email to the Groupwise trash. Found this out when we did a trash purge over a weekend and come Monday morning, CEO's executive assistant was on the phone to support saying that the "big-boss" lost a LOT of important email... I was the foot-soldier on call that day, so I had to run down to his office, and investigate. I had to fight hard to keep from laughing out loud when the assistant (big-wig was out of the office, but assistant had big-wigs password(s)) showed me just WHERE the emails had been stored, after a lot of prodding and question-asking.. Since I knew there had been a Groupwise trash purge over the weekend, I knew exactly where the mail had gone, but hoping against hope that the Novell salvage had not been cleared yet, I called the desk admin, and fortuantly he was JUST getting ready to clear salvage.. I managed to stop him, and we were able to recover the big-wigs email.. Being I was the new-guy, there was NOOOOO way I was gonna tell the CEO and his assistant "you DO NOT PUT EMAIL YOU WANT TO KEEP IN THE TRASH!!!" .. I left that up to my big-boss, the CIO... Needless to say we had many chuckles at the next months team meeting...

Comment Re:Give this guys some cake (Score 1) 112

It's better than nothing though - as the American public's response to the absolute outrage that is this whole affair has only been a big, fat, shameful nothing.

What do you expect from what has become the defacto US Department of Propaganda? With little Jay Carney as Secretary.. He lies really good, but of course, he *has* to, to be able to cover up the lies his boss tells..

Comment Odd... (Score 2) 186

I understand GPL allowing CentOS and Scientific Linux to use Redhat in their respective products, but I find it really puzzling that they would actively *help* CentOS... Doesn't make a lot of sense to me...

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