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Comment Re:Smart move, loser. (Score 1) 218

Always ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

How often has that strategy ended in a geek pleading guilty to a felony charge?

I'd say that would be pretty much in every case forgiveness was not forthcoming. Several people in jail, some dead now. Yeah, the results of that type of INDIVIDUAL action aren't pretty...

However, one can seek publicity and organize. You can't jail 10.000 people out of hand (in the USA).

Comment Re:Misery loves company (Score 1) 116

Some people like to play aggressively, others don't. In most gaming communities that's okay. Not on LOL supposedly.

Uhm... have you ever played LoL? I mean, agressive play is one thing. But having every 5 out of 6 words being an insult or a slur doesn't really help me game. It's not aggressive play, it has NOTHING at all to do with play. And a lot with an inability to express themselves and their frustration at being so bad at the game.

It just makes me look for another game where I don't have to put up with pre-teens who just escaped from mama's supervision. And that's why LoL is right: they need to protect the normal players from the minority of asshats that can't deal with losing a game.

Comment Re:Careful now (Score 1) 408

Okay, that's pretty interesting. I had never heard of that one but I can see how that that is certainly possible. It's just unexpected since I would expect that the instructions would say "has no side effects". But if you have a double blind study then ofcourse you would be told about side effects and then they could occur.

It's a bit like hypnosis, perhaps. I wonder if people who are sensitive to hypnotic commands are also more sensitive to placebo treatments. That could be interesting to determine.

Comment Re:Not going to work... (Score 1) 408

If the results can be achieved without using homeopathy, it would have been done already. But you're trying to tell desperate people "no no, don't try this. We don't have anything else, but don't try this". You don't have a chance in the face of desperate people. Noone wants to hear it. And if governments really start cracking down on homeopathy, what may happen is that the paranoia over "Big Pharma" will increase, and that will *certainly* do quite a lot of harm on a much larger scale than drinking expensive water can do.

IMHO, you're looking at it from a pharmaceutical/medical perspective, when you should be looking at it from a psychological/behavioral point of view.

Comment Re:Careful now (Score 1) 408

And the placebo effect has no side effects while "approaching the treatment effect" when certain conditions are met. Personally, if the doctor has no options for say, treating facial nerve pain (aka "suicide syndrome") then I'll try homeopathy. I've seen it work with rather amazing effectiveness up close and personal, even for skeptics and even for small children.

Link: http://dm.education.wisc.edu/t...

Comment Re:Not going to work... (Score 2, Funny) 408

Homeopathy is applied psychology and pretty effective as such. Saying it's crap means you don't understand a iota of it.

You're saying that homeopathy can't work because there are no substances in the bottle. I'm saying it's precisely because there aren't any substances (except a small amount of alcohol) while still being expensive, that it is sometimes effective without damaging side effects.

Comment Re:Short Intro (Score 1) 272

I agree that that road isn't productive (otherwise we'd still write machine code since we can do everything in machine code), but the hint of "it's going to be on internet so I can't use and RDBMS" in the original question is silly, and that's what I react to.

Given 3 trillion users your options are pretty much limited to horizontal scaling, no SQL etc. but most people never get that far with their applications and in that case, storing the data in a noSQL database and then getting actionable information out of it (which is the hardest part IMO) is a lot of effort spent for something much cheaper and easier done with an RDBMS.

Comment Re:Short Intro (Score 1) 272

Any relational database can also do "schemaless" models, by using the EAV (anti-)pattern. Mainly this conveys a lack of understanding of your data and a lack of planning and design in your datamodel, but hey, it happens. The fun thing is that you still get all those nice database features like parallel processing, concurrency, SQL, ACID transactions if you want them, security and maintenance tooling, etc.

And if you use a modern database like SQL 2014 or Oracle's latest, you will get column-based compression (okay, it still sucks in SQL Server 2014, but it's a start), so the whole issue with extending sparse schema's is moot. If you use the 6th normal form it's not an issue anyway since that implements column-based compression by modeling it.

What you say is of course correct. It's just that for people who have a nice toolbox with all kinds of data models, relational databases go a lot further than most people think.

Comment Re:Panasonic (Score 1) 151

Very likely. Especially since it seems that Prius battery packs are holding up even better than expected, I'd expect the same from the Tesla packs (unless they use a different type of battery), and buying an older one for a low price seems like a good idea if you need the storage.

Unfortunately my roof is pretty unhelpful as regards solar panel placement. I have a large flat roof in the shade. Otherwise I'd have already installed solar panels.

Comment Re:Unsubtle how? (Score 1) 100

I agree with you and I'm not at all saying they were treated well. But if the Chinese government wanted to be unsubtle, they'd be beaten up and jailed without further discussion. Apart from that: the cases at Mt. Gox and the other thieves... sorry, money changers, show that regulation is going to be needed pronto. The Chinese version of regulation, however, is to ban it.

Comment Re:Weaponize (Score 2) 101

What they do, as I gather from the article, is that they drill holes in specific patterns around installations. The pattern then absorbs seismic waves and turns them into sound and heat at the focal points of the waves. No idea how much heat or sound, but in general it's an improvement over having the building destroyed.

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