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Comment I've lost track of how many times I've been burned (Score 5, Informative) 289

I've lost track of how many times I've been burned by a driver update from Microsoft that turned out to be incompatible with my hardware, likely because Windows Update misidentified my hardware as compatible with the driver. I no longer install any drivers through Windows Update, but instead go to the vendors sites and get them straight from the source.

Fortunately, the drivers are always optional updates, so you can just flag them as hidden and ignore them.

Comment Re:Scientific worldview undermining own credibilit (Score 1) 668

The problem is that there are parents who believe in this crap that use it to "treat" their kids instead of providing them with proper medication and therapy. I've known some of them.

They're as bad as the religious fundamentalists who insist on "prayer healing" for their children instead of taking them to a doctor.

It's the kids who suffer, not the idiots themselves. So, yes, homeopathy can do real harm to people other than the nutbars and lunatics who believe in it.

Comment Re:WindowsME 2.0 (Score 3, Interesting) 277

I'd agree with that. I've been chasing random crashes on my Linux box for a few months before I got around to running MemTest86 on it, and discovered half my memory had gone flaky over the years. The new memory is in and ready to be picked up.

Since I flagged the bad memory with GRUB_BADMEM, not one crash. Yet I'd gone so far as doing a full install of a different "flavour" of Linux just because I thought the video card drivers for NVidia on Debian were borked. Total waste of time and a red herring of symptoms. The X server was crashing because of memory corruption, not bugs.

Comment Re:wtfsrsly (Score 1) 277

You raise an interesting point about the automated "testing" data, which is also a very convenient way of monitoring the "flood of pirates" that join the program. You can bet those automated tests tell Microsoft what programs were installed, which were running, and which was active. With someone who was pirating the OS, you can bet they didn't pay for those applications, either, giving MicroSoft valuable information about which software they need to write "crack detectors" for and deploy them as "security updates" to nag the pirates or delete the illegal installs automatically.

Comment The courses shouldn't be designed for "best" (Score 1) 39

The courses shouldn't be designed for idealized setups like multiple monitors. Most people who are going to be taking an online course are those who can't afford to go to a college or university, so they're far from likely to be in possession of multiple-monitor or other fancy-schmancy setups.

I'd lay odds that a 1080p laptop is even pushing it; many of them probably have 720p laptops.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
