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Comment Re:Uses (Score 2, Insightful) 37

Then you might as well not use it. I hear this all the time: "I only use FB for a) and b) and sometimes c), blah blah...." Just close your account then.

There will come a day when having never used social media will be an accolade - and it can't come too soon.

Comment Re:My about:config edit list is about to grow agai (Score 2) 112

Probably not even going to happen, but if so I will also be tweaking about:config to turn it off , even though it would only appear if I browsed an unsecured wireless network, which I never do. Firefox is still the best browser overall and they have to try and earn some money somehow. Pale Moon? Really?

Comment Whom Does Your Constitution Belong To? (Score 1) 705

That's what the rest of the world asks, every time this happens. We can all see you are being held hostage by a few gun nuts, why can't you?

It's YOUR constitution, change it (if necessary) and save yourselves. Right now, another shooter is planning to kill American children. Eventually you will realise they are YOUR children.

The NRA could increase it's funding by 1000% if it put up billboards saying how many innocent Americans have died from guns - as long as they were in Arabic and on the other side of the world.

But hey, I don't live there and my two daughters don't have to learn how to run in zig-zag lines to avoid fatal shots, what do I care? I do care and I know someday the gun nuts will fall.

Comment Re:But what about Brexit? (Score 1) 58

May has promised Nissan something they won't get (that's what politicians do) but they won't pull out because by the time they realise it will be too late to do so. Google but won't get any NEW special treatment in the UK - just the special treatment they already get. No change necessary. We need a new law about Brexit: a variant of Godwin's Law. Farage's Law? But, until that law is passed: Brexit will make little difference economically. All the major corporations inside the EU want trade with the UK to continue as normal, EU bureaucrats will say that's not possible but then they will give in and blame everything on Jean-Claude Juncker - once he's safely out of office in 2019. Negotiations will take three years at least. Trump on the other hand, could cause a recession throughout the western world and still the influential remoaners in London will find a way to blame it on the Brexit.

Dozens of Tech Bigwigs Friend Facebook Spambot 81

jfruhlinger writes "If you've used Facebook or Twitter, you're almost certainly familiar with 'bimbots' — accounts that have profile pics of attractive women, but seem to exist only to send send spam links with varying degrees of subtlety. Henry Copeland, the founder of BlogAds, tracks the social network of one such Facebook bot, and finds that she's friends with a long list of influential tech and media folks. Copeland also tracks down the origin of the photo that accompanies the account."

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