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Comment Trump and the 3000$ Iphone (Score 1) 215

MSN title a few days back: "iPhone prices would rise up to 20% if Apple assembles in US like Trump wants".

Well, they did it without Trumps help. In Sweden, the maxed out XR, or whatever they call it now, ist over 2000â.

I say let Trump have it. Apple will increase the prices no matter what, so at least Apple should produce them here.

Comment Re:Lights on vs someone being home (Score 1) 288

It if was actually productive, evolution probably would have made it available to us without drugs.

this is just post-hoc evolutionist talk. "if telepathy or esp would be productive I am sure evolution, god, whatever, would have made it available". Except not. Evolution does not make things available, the mutations are random.perhaps not enough time has passed for evolution to sort it out. Perhaps, in the future LSD will be naturally produced by the body.

Comment Re:Jesus (Score 2) 111

And this is exactly why I don't enjoy being around some atheists. Just the same old proselytism, and vitriolic attacks on religion started by some interesting nature fact. You are just on the opposite part of the fundamentalist scale, with both being bat-shit crazy. You must be the soul of the party wherever you go....

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