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Comment Glitch appears if you're not already logged in (Score 1) 120

I was seeing this error until I logged in with the Amazon account I have which has Prime. Afterward, I saw it one more time, then a reload resulted in the page working.

Soooo... login, mash F5 a few times.

Site devs didn't test for the test case in which the user wasn't yet logged in, or failed to blow out their browser cache before doing that test.

Comment Criminal twin (Score 2) 237

I have a twin brother who is a criminal with a lengthy record; the only reason he's not still a guest of the State of Washington is changes in Washington's Three Strike laws.

Like HELL I'm going to let these websites set me up for false accusation for his crimes.

By the way: if the government falsely accuses you of a crime and it costs you a six figure legal bill to defend yourself, too bad. You're out the money, and no prosecutor in the world gives a damn about that or has any incentives to not do so. Had to sell your house? Too bad.

Comment Just a few notes (Score 5, Interesting) 170

No doubt all of this is in bits and pieces elsewhere. Feel free to mark redundant.

1. The GPS system is owned and operated by the military. Civilians are secondary users. They get to turn it off any time they want, or reduce its accuracy, etc.

2. People already use readily-available GPS jammers, primarily to steal LoJack-equipped cars. Not sure why they're legal to sell, as a device intended solely for disabling a military-owned system, but

3. My money is on the military testing its resiliency to deliberate wide-area jamming or attacks on GPS satellites. It's an obvious way to seriously affect the US military without shooting soldiers, so some countries/NGOs might be more willing to do this than, say, blowing up a bus. My money is also on testing during thesummer during the day because pilots can... y'know... look out the window and see where they are. VFR conditions pretty much guaranteed. (yes, yes, at FL180 up you're in class A airspace and always are on instrument rules, but even A380 pilots need to use eyeballs)

4. There are no commercial aircraft that rely ONLY on GPS. VOR and DME are widely used (especially VOR), and pilots are trained to be able to navigate using those methods (evne non-commercial license holders and non-instrument-rating license holders).

5. I'm a pilot. Only private, but I can navigate perfectly well without GPS, and the plane I most commonly rent doesn't even have GPS. And as a pilot, I'm nothing special. If I were flying in that area, I'd do nothing differently whatsoever.

6. I'm not sure what's up with that Embraer. Something to look up tonight.

Comment Re:Still was going to have a real tough time (Score 5, Informative) 142

Where do I begin...

With OnLive, you could play Crysis at 30fps on medium settings at 720p on a Celeron-equipped netbook with an Intel GMA950. So no, you were not getting the kind of thing integrated video can offer.

Latency depends entirely upon the quality of the network link between you and the data center. OnLive was not intended for people in Yellowknife or Cheyenne or the Azores; it was for people in densely-populated well-wired urban areas in which they had data centers. That's a lot of people, but no, it's not everyone, nor is there any sort of requirement that it be for everyone. Part of the setup was a latency/bandwidth test that you were supposed to run before you signed up. And if your ISP oversubscribed your last-mile connection to the point where you couldn't use it between 7pm and 10pm... yeah, that's a problem, but it's not universal, and it's not anything OnLive could do anything about, any more than Ford is responsible for whether on not your street has potholes. I suggest beating your ISP over the head with a lead pipe in such cases.

Yes, there's a loss of single-pixel detail. It's not perfect, and there is no requirement that it be so (any more that there is a requirement that lossy audio be forbidden for sale). Expectations must be reasonable (as must expectation-setting).

OnLive's video was tuned for 4 to 6 mbps with less than 30ms of latency, with low packet loss (less than 1%). Under such circumstances, it did well. When network conditions deteriorated, it had some automatic fallbacks to keep the framerate above 30fps for as long as possible; it would remain at least usable down to 2.5mbps/5% loss, though it wasn't pretty under those conditions. It was far, far more than glorified RDP and VNC (it wasn't a video memory buffer; the hardware captured and processed the digital video stream from a DVI interface and the digital audio stream as taken from SPDIF outputs, and injected control with a virtual USB HID). It was good tech. Low latency was achieved by essentially running unbuffered and a couple of other things that I'm not sure whether I could talk about yet.

But as I mentioned earlier, the real failure was the inability to make the deals with third parties that would turn that tech into something worth paying for.

Comment It's true (Score 5, Informative) 142

Ex-Onlive employee here (I left a couple of years ago). I've been hearing from my OnLive friends... yup. Big big layoff. Hire these people if you see 'em, folks, they're good workers who know their stuff and have a work ethic.

The tech works, and has been fine for almost three years now; I was doing all my gaming through OnLive when I worked there, and was about 50 miles form the data center. The trouble as I see it is the same that I saw back when I left: it ceased being a technology play when it worked well enough, and turned into a business development play. They needed to:

  • sign the majority of the major publishers
  • get them to release new titles simultaneously with physical retail
  • convince the publishers to charge somewhat less than physical retail and
  • form revenue-sharing-based transit agreements and peering deals with major ISPs to keep OnLive traffic out of the bandwidth caps

Unfortunately, none of the biz dev plays were driven to success.

Tech is easy. Business is hard. CUtting deals is hardest of all.

Comment Re:Screw you, anonymous! (Score 5, Insightful) 239

Thanking Anonymous for stealing my credit card info to demonstrate Sony's/Stratfor's/whatever's poor IT practices is akin to thanking an arsonist for burning down my house to demonstrate that it's flammable.

There's not a shred of morality or good intention in Anonymous. None. They're vandals and thieves who never got over resenting authority figures when they were 13. Having the ability to run Metasploit against a video game host doesn't change the basic mindset.

Comment Re:Why do people still use Sony (Score 2, Insightful) 239

So to punish Sony for hurting their customers, Anonymous hurts Sony customers. But Anonymous is stealing credit card info for YOUR benefit!

Good going, guys. Way to take the moral high road and to convince the public to support you. What's next, scrambling blood types in breached medical records databases to teach insurance companies a lesson with dead patients, so you can portray yourselves as Robin Hoods with a pile of bodies?

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