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Comment Re:not surprising (Score 4, Interesting) 386

Except not a single person leaving that theater knew that DRM had anything to do with it. Or even the meaning of the acronym itself.

"Sorry, folks, little glitch with the 3D thingamajig here! Heh heh... Well, you're all welcome to stay and enjoy the show in all it's 2D glory, including some free popcorn! Or we'll gladly refund your money."

And they all came back the next day, and paid their money to support the now properly-running DRMed-up-the-ass movie, none the wiser. Do you really think the theater hauled out Cory Doctorow to hold forth on the evils of DRM for the audience's benefit?

Comment This was so cool (Score 1) 315

I'm going to go watch the longer version of it called "The War of the Worlds" (2005) again tonight. No, seriously, the Youtube vid was VERY cool. But I think what I liked most about it was that it reminded me of the Dakota Fanning movie. Oh, I guess Tom Cruise might have been in it too... Anyway, it was a very cool, very scary movie.

Comment Re:too funny (Score 1) 219

Sorry, but no. We see all 202 of your friends.

It seems that you, Lisa, are a bit of a paradox. I see by your facebook profile that you're a fan of Malwarebytes, suggesting you must be pretty proficient with a computer. At the same time, you seem to be unaware that FB provides you with a tool to see what your profile looks like to other users - suggesting you're *NOT* that computer proficient!

"Wait til I get going! Now, where was I? " (Bensafrickingenius proves his mettle by quoting The Princess Bride)

OK, next, you show what a gun nut you are by linking to the "Firearms Multimedia Guide." BUT!!! No true gun nut would do that! If you advertise that you're a gun nut, then the Obama administration knows EXACTLY who's door to knock down first when they come for our guns!!! Silly girl!!!

In closing, I don't know WHAT to think about you, so I take it back. Well done, Lisa (or whatever your name is).

Comment Re:yes, I know that you are joking (Score 0, Flamebait) 197

"On places like slashdot I like the more relaxed atmosphere and I'm not going to proofread and re-read everything I write, otherwise it would consume way too much time. I can live with people poking at my grammar and other errors."

Uh uh, no fucking way, asshole. YOU are the one who wanted to jump down America's throat for being "ignorant." Fine, do so. But, in your first sentence, try not to make at least 3 errors. First, you did not capitalize "America." Second, "it's" instead of "its," as already mentioned. Third, you used a comma after "ignorance" when the appropriate punctuation mark would have been a semicolon. By the way, asshole, I'm a math major, not an English major. And I'm drunk.

"But america seems to be special in that it prides itself on it's ignorance, try having an intelligent discussion about ideology with many Americans to see what I mean. "

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