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Comment Re:Ask yourself one thing. (Score 1) 747

And you know, some of us in management like when people stand up to us. I don't know everything, and never will, nor do I want to. That's why I hired you (I hope). If I have to dictate everything to you and you bow to my every whim, (a) you're more worthless than your interview hinted at, and (b) you're never going to get anywhere.

The Military

Northrop Grumman Markets Weaponized Laser System 246

stephencrane writes "Northrop Grumman is making available for sale the FIRESTRIKE weaponized laser system. The solid-state laser unit weighs over 400lbs, sends/receives instructions and data via an RJ-45 jack and can be synchronized with additional units to emit a 100 kW beam. It looks like some piece of stereophonic amplification equipment out of the '50s. Or Fallout 3. The press release suggests that FIRESTRIKE 'will form the backbone of future laser weapon systems.'"

Comment Re:Surprise, surprise! (Score 1) 257

Sometimes you have to ignore the bigger picture to make progress in the short term. Very few problems are solved trying to solve the macro picture without focus on the micro, IMO, and most macro problems are solved only after a shit-ton of micro problem solving. [Note: macro/micro doesn't refer to physical scale]


Senate Passes Telecom Immunity Bill 1088

zehnra writes "The U.S. Senate this afternoon passed the FISA Amendments Act, broadly expanding the president's warrantless surveillance authority and unconstitutionally granting retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that participated in the president's illegal domestic wiretapping program. The House of Representatives passed the same bill last month, and President Bush is expected to sign the legislation into law shortly." The New York Times has a story, as does the Associated Press (carried here by Yahoo!). Reader Guppy points out the roll call for the vote.

Submission + - Panic of failing QuikSCAT satellite overlown (

daeg writes: We previously read and discussed about the aging QuikSCAT weather satellite used to help predict tropical storms. It turns out that the panic is likely overblown and the loss of the satellite won't have any dramatic effects on forecasting at all. Some in the National Hurricane Center are now calling for Director Proenza's resignation over this and his overall handling of the center.

Submission + - Passwords in small companies

daeg writes: As any person in a small company can tell you, we have too many passwords and too many people know them because the defined job roles are very lax. The programmers know our shipping password because they've had to ship things before and the administrative assistants know our printer passwords, for instance. Are there any easy ways to manage these types of passwords securely? If an employee leaves, we have to change all of the passwords (particularly for the places that do not allow multiple delegate user accounts) and simultaneously tell everyone the new password, which is tedious and error prone, at best. What are some methods that have worked in your small companies?

Submission + - PHP 5.2.2 and 4.4.7 Released

daeg writes: PHP 5.2.2 and 4.4.7 have been released with a plethora of security updates. Many of the security notifications come from the Month of PHP Bugs effort, and range from double freed memory to bugs in functions that allow attackers to enable register_globals, to memory corruption with unserialize(), to input validation flaws that allow e-mail header injections, with an unhealthy sprinkling of other bugs and flaws fixed. All administrators that run any version of PHP are encouraged to update immediately.

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