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Comment Re:They should have told him (Score 1) 282

How many people were witness to the speech either live or via video? I assume not many. Never heard of this award, nor do I care what it stands for unless it's Batman. The only reason I'm even seeing a headline about it is because of this "censorship". So De Niro should be thankful. While I should be, and am annoyed that I had to hear about this non-Batman related award show.

Comment Charter price lies (Score 1) 22

Charter's most basic cable service is advertised at some rate...like 39.99 or 29.99 I think...yet there isn't just some taxes or something added on but I think an extra $29.99 local channel fee that is required to be added on. Yet they can advertise it at just 39.99. You literally cannot get service for 39.99...or 39.99 plus tax. It's minimum $70 plus tax and fees. And that's just for the first year, then the base price goes up even more. So forgive me if I don't give an freak if Youtube uses some creative math to make that claim.

Comment Re:Accenture a.k.a. Anderson Insulting Can Fuck Of (Score 1) 43

I hate that the local company I work for "competes" with Accenture, Deloitte, etc... they do have people who really know how various industries and technologies work but that's not their true business model. Their true business model is to use the least competent people they can to sell in with a company and then bring in the straight out of college or high school and other either inexperienced or incapable CHEAP labor and charge ridiculous hourly rates and T&E under the guise of whatever bill of goods they sold with the truly skilled people being their consultants who ensure the client has no idea what's going on till they are millions of dollars into it for something that could have been done well for 1/3 or less. We've picked up the pieces from countless versions of this over the years. And while that may contribute to some of our growth as a company, I couldn't operate that way and our owner would never want us to be like them. My goal, unless the work is truly something that the client never wants to be an expert/owner in, is to work our way out of a role. But that's not a business model that Accenture or the other big global companies could support.

Comment Re: Uh huh (Score 1) 346

I prefer my militias "well regulated".

I prefer my freedoms protected by myself and the citizenry that should always have a way to physically protect themselves from the tyranny of "those who think they know better" like you.

Comment Re:I'm torn (Score 1) 91

Exactly. Totalitarianism/Authoritarianism/Facism whatever you want to call it always inevitably leads to destruction of free will and, if the populous is lucky, revolution. If my action doesn't directly infringe on your rights, then stay the fuck out of it. And if this means an army of mindless robots come and try to take us over, so be it.

Comment Re:People wanted ala carte. Unintended consequence (Score 2) 63

Youtube TV, Hulu Live, and really even Sling TV have basically just become streaming cable providers that we all tried to ditch. The fact is live TV carriage rates will always lead to this. The cord cutting wasn't just about the physical coaxial cable but really about the bundled dozens/hundreds of live channels that everyone had to pay for just to get the few they wanted. Now that the live content provider industry has matured in its understanding of cord cutters and the live streaming services they turned to, the deals have become progressively worse (cost the same as cable/no access to popular channels/both) to the point where I "re-cut" the cable and decided live TV would just never be my thing again. Whether it's Charter Spectrum's outright lies about monthly cost of service (broadcast TV recovery fee, cable box fee, etc... all required to use that advertised price service) or any given streaming service having multiple price increases a year AND dropping the most popular sports or other content cord cutting needs a renaissance. They just didn't get the message fully and too many people just started giving them the same money through a different and similarly evil provider. Cut them completely. Watch things in syndication once they come to your chosen watch whenever streaming service.

Comment Re:Was this before or after sleeping with ChiCom S (Score 1) 101

Maybe, but given that you're not privy to any more facts that the rest of us, this is speculation. If he did something illegal, I hope he gets charged and convicted. If he didn't do anything illegal, I hope the people who came up with this investigation are investigated for impropriety and if so, charged and convicted.

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