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Comment google. we make cool things...for a price. (Score 2) 845

I like google glass, but I dont like the camera. same with I like Chromecast but I dont like that I cant use just anything with it. I like Chrome, its pretty fast and nice but I hate that it may or may not be keeping tabs on what I do or where I go (allegedly). if I could take out the camera and modify it to give me other information from the phone or whatever, that would be swell.

Comment whatever. (Score 1) 168

Speed means jack squat if you are being throttled. My ISP is the fastest of my area. But they don't tell you about their Accepted Use Policy or whatever they call it now. Regardless if you are a 'heavy user' or not.

Comment heat (Score 2) 818

I use linux on my laptop, And I have to use it where it gets pretty hot in the summer. I've tried many enviroments and I stick with the one that runs my laptop the coolest on idle. KDE is like Gnome 3, they run my laptop pretty hot. MATE (Gnome 2) and XFCE were the least demanding out of the more functional enviroments. I'm glad someone kept Gnome 2 alive with MATE and I'll keep using it since I used it the most these past 6-8 years. (using mint right now) KDE has been pretty nice when I had it on my desktop. 3.x ran pretty good on a really crappy AMD K6-II laptop and I I'd never get any work done playing with the sheer amount of customization you can do on the fly. 4.0 is pretty, but its not feaseable at least on this laptop.

Comment Mate (Score 1) 543

Ubuntu doesnt force you to use Unity, though people seem to think they do. On my laptop Mint runs hotter for whatever reason. Ubuntu with unity runs cooler but I got tired of it. As soon as I re-installed Ubuntu and updated I added the repo to MATE and been using that instead.

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