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Comment Re:Gawd (Score 1) 434

I would almost agree, that any language is as good as any other. With a few exceptions, like "whitespace" which isn't meant to be a practical language anyway.

You may be right if you talk within one group of languages like e.g. procedural. But there is quite a difference between groups: (procedural, functional, logic), (strict, lazy), (pure, with side effects), (dynamically, or statically typed, or untyped), (static, lexical, dynamic scoping).

No, programming languages are not equal to each other. They can be very different. But I agree that tools are important.

Comment Re:If intel went into discrete graphics (Score 1) 102

we call them morons, why would one cripple their computer, a suposed tool to get things done to hold them selves higher in the morality of a fucking driver is beyond me, I have shit to get done, not be political with my tools.

Or they are willing to suffer a bit now in an attempt to create a new market segment for open drivers. You could call them investors instead of morons. Also there are issues with reporting bugs when your kernel is tainted. This can be critical for some people. Maybe you can try to educate yourself about their motivation before calling them "morons".

Comment Re:Hyperoptimistically, (Score 1) 421

And then the data link breaks or gets jammed (or even hacked?) by a terrorist. Especially when electrical systems start failing, the connection will be lost.

Then open big parachutes and let the plane land with them (wherever it is currently located). Then send rescue to pick up passengers ... or whatever is left from them :)

Comment Re:While you're at it... (Score 1) 661

3840x2160, 30bpp, 60fps will use about 15Gbit/s, Display Port bandwidth is 17.28 Gbit/s. So there is still some room. You can also use different color encoding (like YCbCr 4:2:2 chroma sub sampling) to lower bandwidth. Lowering color channel bandwidth to 16 bpp (8bit luma 8bit chroma) would be barely noticeable for such a high density display. Our non-existing 4096x4096, 16bpp, 60fps display would use about 16 Gbit/s. So Display Port is barely OK. And you can still lower the refresh rate :)

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
