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Submission + - With explosive new result, laser-powered fusion effort nears 'ignition' (

sciencehabit writes: More than a decade ago, the world’s most energetic laser started to unleash its blasts on tiny capsules of hydrogen isotopes, with managers promising it would soon demonstrate a route to limitless fusion energy. Now, the National Ignition Facility (NIF) has taken a major leap toward that goal. Last week, a single laser shot sparked a fusion explosion from a peppercorn-size fuel capsule that produced eight times more energy than the facility had ever achieved: 1.35 megajoules (MJ)—roughly the kinetic energy of a car traveling at 160 kilometers per hour. That was also 70% of the energy of the laser pulse that triggered it, making it tantalizingly close to “ignition”: a fusion shot producing an excess of energy.

Submission + - LLNL's NIF laser fusion lab is on the verge of achieving thermonuclear ignition. ( 2

deglr6328 writes: Switched on over a decade ago, the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Lab is a 2 megajoule, 500 terawatt ultraviolet laser designed to ignite a thermonuclear burn wave in compressed pellets of deuterium-tritium fuel which should produce more energy than was delivered to them by the laser itself. For years after beginning experiments, fusion yields languished at more than an order of magnitude lower than necessary to achieve ignition and far less than predicted to occur in supercomputer simulations; beleaguered by the same energy sapping hydrodynamic and laser-plasma instabilities that plagued smaller predecessor laser fusion machines from the 70s through 2000s.

In an email to lab employees and to several other ancillary external labs that work with LNNL in guiding its experiments, a true breakthrough has been announced. Last weekend, after a series of recent advancements in shot neutron yields resulting from new hohlraum and target designs, and new pulse shape and target layering alterations, NIF shot a target that produced a greater than 1 megajoule yield, a six-fold improvement over the previous highest yield shot and a four-fold greater energy release than the capsule itself absorbed. This achievement puts the device within immediate striking distance of its namesake — the first fusion ignition and burn experiment in a laboratory setting. Experiments scheduled for October are expected to cross that threshold proper for the first time in history.

Comment Re:Trump will win (Score 1) 579

After we turn socialist overnight what then?

The joke is that those who are afraid of "turning socialist" are completely ignorant of what socialism actually is, let alone characteristics of other political/socioeconomic philosophies. In their world of alternative facts, all they know is a cartoon beatbox version of socialism, where no one owns anything and the government takes away everyone's freedom to do whatever you want.

It is not possible to have a rational constructive discussion with folks who don't care about facts and who do not care to learn said facts. "Biden hates America" and "Obama was born in Kenya" are opinions that are neither based in reality nor serious.

"Trump said he was going to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it. He didn't do either" is based upon facts and reality.

Comment Please proceed! (Score 1, Flamebait) 15

One of my younger siblings got it at work and infected their immediate family (spouse, kids). Our elderly mom (who suffers from a number of respiratory ailments) missed getting it by one day: she normally wouldve had dinner at their house the day after their symptoms manifested. It wouldve have most certainly killed her.

Having seen what they went through—COVID isnt “just a flu”; whoever says is lying or galactically stupid—I have zero empathy for anyone who isnt taking this seriously, whether through ignorance or willing delusion.

You want to go to CES or any other large gathering? Please proceed.

You want to ignore the threat because Fox “News” says it is overblown, a liberal plot, or a False Flag? Please proceed.

You want to “reopen the economy” because you want to be able to go to the bar for a pint? Please proceed.

I will not gloat if you get it. I will not have any sympathy, either.

Comment Re:Just pick a damned time (Score 1) 376

I never really understood why we "fell back" to standard time during winter,

I do. They tried not falling back one year in 1974. We schoolkids had to walk to school in the dark. It was no big deal for me at the time, as school was 5-6 blocks away.

But all the parents freaked out ("Little Johnny will get hit by a car!"*) and that was the end of it.




. * No one worried about kids being kidnapped and raped while walking to school in the dark, because we weren't all pussies back then. You're welcome and get off my lawn.

Comment Better Idea (Score 1) 4

I would argue only firearms which existed at the time the Constitution was written should be "whitelisted".

This means flintlock muskets (like the Brown Bess) and long rifles, both of which are single shot, would be allowed for use by everyone of age.

Mass shootings would no longer be a concern.

Comment Re:How is it different for closed source software? (Score 1) 132

~ OSS is better since it is free ~

Free as in Beer. Not free as in "doesn't cost anything to implement and maintain".

~ and likely more secure.

Oh my, no. Security is not a function of source openness. Security is a function of actual security implementation.

You're confusing Linus' Law ("given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow") with Schneier's Law ("Any person can invent a security system so clever that he or she can't imagine a way of breaking it.")

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