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Comment Re:It depends on the hat you're wearing (Score 1) 143

Lewinsky wasn't the one charging sexual harassment. She was a willing participant, but was the witness to attest for the person whom was unwillingly harassed, Paula Jones. The case didn't "blow up on technicalities", Clinton was found guilty of obstruction of justice and perjury, and settled the case w/ Paula Jones. The House impeached Clinton but the Democrat controlled senate refused to convict.

Comment Re:It depends on the hat you're wearing (Score 1) 143

You are confused. Monica Lewinsky was the witness to attest that Clinton did garner sexual favors from interns. The sexual harassment suit was by Paula Jones, whom was NOT willing to give sexual favors and thought that her boss making such advances was a highly hostile work environment.

Comment Re:Increase fuel burnup and this becomes cheap ! (Score 1) 288

> a result of extremely inefficient solid fuel reactors cooled by water

, a design which was chosen over thorium reactor designs because thorium reactors do not produce any significant amount of "waste" plutonium required for nuclear weapons production.

Fixed that incomplete thought for you.

That is not accurate. Thorium breeder reactors produce weapons-grade U-233. And a reactor designed to use liquid fuel with on-site reprocessing can very easily extract this weapons grade material. It is even easier to do so than a U-238 breeder reactor cause you don't have to worry about burnup requirements limiting Pu-240 production.

The reason why we went with UO2 based reactors instead of thorium ones is simply because that is where our knowledge base stemmed from. UO2 worked and thorium didn't offer any significant advantage worth starting over from scratch on.

Comment Re:why don't we keep them and use them? (Score 1) 288

The car analogy doesn't really work in this case. The most expensive parts of the plant are the containment building, which doesn't wear out, and the reactor vessel, which can be annealed. The most expensive part of building a new plant is the interest on the loan to pay for it while it is under construction for 5+ years. You can refit an old plant in much less time and you don't need the huge loan from the onset. Although it's true you don't get to take advantage of a new and safer design. I wouldn't want to refit an old gen 1 boiler like Fukushima but the old PWR's have proven to be very robust (e.g. TMI).

Comment Re:Still a water cooled, solid fuel reactor (Score 1) 165

When will this people learn ?

When you demo your brilliant design that doesn't suffer from those problems, and from all the problems that your panacea has. Let me know when you schedule your presentation, thanks.

Um, we already have. EBR-II started in 1965, and it worked perfectly for 30 years until it was shut down by Clinton in 1995.

Comment Re:80% of people working in a field (Score 1, Troll) 170

Regulator and lobbyists do not have a 'field', their skills are not related to any particular domain or technology.

Yes we must purge the FDA of all doctors, the NRC of all engineers, FWS of all biologists, etc because clearly they are all beholden to their special interests and thus can't be trusted.

Comment Re:Does it also apply to homes? (Score 1) 461

Yup, and if you're lucky, the cops will only kill your dog and won't shoot you dead in your bed for waking up startled in the middle of the night upon hearing your door being busted in on a no-knock warrant based on an anonymous tip. And if your family is lucky the police won't lie about it to cover it up by planing a guns/drugs after the fact.

Comment Re:regulating in their favor, allergic to paying (Score 1) 504


Power transmission isn't that simple. Your naivete is routed in a lack of technical knowledge. Most backfed electricity is wasted because control systems designed to balance the grid cannot cope with thousands of variable intermittent sources. But government laws force power companies to buy it anyway, which causes negative electricity prices where the power company pays users to waste excess electricity. It's not a win-win for utilities, it's a lose-lose. How are you helping the problem of global warming, by creating through government regulations, a system where people are paid to waste electricity?

Comment Re:There's no information here. (Score 2) 134

On the contrary there is a lot of information there. When a government official says "I may or may not respect the constitution" that mean he has already decided that he will do whatever he wants regardless of constitutional authority and obeys the law only when it is convenient to do so.

Comment Re:HSA plus catastrophic (Score 5, Insightful) 723

Yep, only problem is because most other people rely on buffet-style all-you-can-eat-for-fixed-price, the cash price for many services is stupendously high.

Last year I had a month-long cold of some sort and needed a checkup to find out what was wrong and get anti-biotics. I don't have a family doctor because the last two I've had retired (drove out of business due to poor medicare reimbursement rates), so I went to Patient First. I asked them how much the checkup would cost, and they said they could not tell me until after the services were performed. Great.

Got a bill in the mail a month later for $300 for a 5 minute checkup and chest x-ray. Anti-biotics were another $80. I don't mind paying these prices if that's what they actually cost. That's what the HSA is for. The problem is they would not tell me what the costs would be up front, and I had no way of shopping around for better prices at competing clinics. That's like going to McDonalds for a hamburger, but they won't tell you what the price is until they mail it to you a month later. And the cost of the burger ends up depending on how hungry you were at the time and how many poor people and illegal immigrants they had to give free hamburgers to.

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