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Comment Not Much of an Engine (Score 2) 84

Did anyone actually read this story and notice that this is highly inefficient and not much of an engine. While it fits the definition of an engine thermodynamically, the process that they describe is not particularly useful. This is just an example of scientists doing their research and then noticing that they have met the definition for an engine and then promoting this fact in order to get press and increase their chances of funding down the road.


Submission + - Feds Indict Trio for WiFi Hacking and Burglary (

vortex2.71 writes: Seattle police detectives say they've unraveled a theft ring that operated both in cyberspace and through old-fashioned burglaries with a technological twist — breaking into a company with the sole purpose of installing malicious software to enable future thefts.

Scientists Find Tears Are the Anti-Viagra 207

An anonymous reader writes "The male test subjects didn't know what they were smelling, they were just given little vials of clear liquid and told to sniff. But when those vials contained a woman's tears (collected while she watched a sad movie), the men rated pictures of women's faces as less sexually attractive, and their saliva contained less testosterone. Is this proof that humans make and respond to pheromones? The researcher behind the study doesn't use that controversial word, but he says his findings do prove that tears contain meaningful chemical messages."

Submission + - Shadow Scholar Details Student Cheating (

vortex2.71 writes: A "shadow writer", who lives on the East Coast, details how he makes a living writing papers for a custom-essay company and to describe the extent of student cheating he has observed. In the course of editing his article, The Chronicle Of Higher Education reviewed correspondence he had with clients and some of the papers he had been paid to write.

Submission + - Scientist proposes one-way trips to Mars (

vortex2.71 writes: Invoking the spirit of "Star Trek" in a scholarly article entitled "To Boldly Go," two scientists contend human travel to Mars could happen much more quickly and cheaply if the missions are made one-way. They argue that it would be little different from early settlers to North America, who left Europe with little expectation of return.

"The main point is to get Mars exploration moving," said Dirk Schulze-Makuch of Washington State University, who wrote the article in the latest "Journal of Cosmology" with Paul Davies of Arizona State University. The colleagues state — in one of 55 articles in the issue devoted to exploring Mars — that humans must begin colonizing another planet as a hedge against a catastrophe on Earth.

Mars is a six-month flight away, possesses surface gravity, an atmosphere, abundant water, carbon dioxide and essential minerals. They propose the missions start by sending two two-person teams, in separate ships, to Mars. More colonists and regular supply ships would follow.


Submission + - China Overtakes U.S. in Supercomputer Performance

adeelarshad82 writes: It's been rumored, but now it's official. The Chinese Tianhe-1A system at the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin has achieved a performance level of 2.57 petaflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second). This puts it in the number one spot on the 36th edition of the TOP500's world's most powerful supercomputer list. As a result, the prior winner on the list—the Cray XT5 "Jaguar" system at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility in Tennessee—is now ranked in second place, with a score of 1.75 petaflop/s.

Submission + - U.S. to retake supercomputer throne from China (

Merpy writes: China has broken the record for computing speed, creating a supercomputer that calculates at 2.57 petaflops. Now the U.S. is working on two 20 petaflop supercomputers. Is a digital cold war brewing? If so, it’s going to produce a lot of heat. China’s record-breaking 2.57 petaflop supercomputer, Tianhe-1A, officially broke the world record for computing speed Friday, and already the United States is working on something much larger. Two 20 petaflop supercomputers are in development in the States, reports Computerworld.

Submission + - Nuclear Fusion Possible Within 2-3 Years? ( 1

Zothecula writes: Even with all the developments taking place in the areas of alternative energy such as solar and wind power, nuclear fusion still remains the holy grail of clean electricity generation. However, after decades of worldwide research costing billions of dollars, the goal of achieving “net-gain,” where more energy is produced than is required to trigger the fusion chain reaction, still remains elusive. Now researchers at Sandia Labs are claiming a breakthrough that could see break-even fusion reactions in as little as two to three years.

Comment Total Moves Not Moves/second (Score 1) 76

The total moves required to reach a solution is usually more important than the moves per second. While the robot is slower to physically move the device, it is probably moving the cube more efficiently than many humans. For instance, I can solve the cube, but do so by only moving one square at a time. More advanced solvers can move several squares simultaneously... a good computer will come up with the most efficient moves to solve the puzzle.

Comment Chase Iphone App (Score 1) 107

I use the Chase iphone app and am perfectly happy with its security. I did not opt to store my username on the phone and therefor my security was never in a perilous state. People who chose to store their username on the phone have a SLIGHTLY less secure system, but probably chose to do so because their password is very secure or they just don't care. I think this is more about people than systems.

Comment But what about the orbital distances? (Score 1) 380

Its great that these planets probably exist, but what distance is their orbits? While, planet size gives us a good idea of how much atmosphere the planet could have, the orbital distance gives us an estimate of the surface temperature. Also important is the rotational frequency and the angle of tilt. It seems like there are a lot more variables that need to be considered in considering these probabilities.

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