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Submission + - Stuxnet worm may have targeted Iranian reactor (

yuna49 writes: PCWorld reports that analysis of the Stuxnet worm suggests its target might have been Iran's nuclear program. "Last week Ralph Langner, a well-respected expert on industrial systems security, published an analysis of the Stuxnet worm, which targets Siemens software systems, and suggested that it may have been used to sabotage Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactor. A Siemens expert, Langner simulated a Siemens industrial network and then analyzed the worm's attack. Experts had first thought that Stuxnet was written to steal industrial secrets, but Langner found something quite different. The worm actually looks for very specific Siemens settings — a kind of fingerprint that tells it that it has been installed on a very specific Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) device — and then it injects its own code into that system.

Stuxnet makes changes to a piece of Siemens code called Organizational Block 35. This Siemens component monitors critical factory operations — things that need a response within 100 milliseconds. By messing with Operational Block 35, Stuxnet could easily cause a refinery's centrifuge to malfunction, but it could be used to hit other targets too, Byres said. "The only thing I can say is that it is something designed to go bang," he said.

Comment Re:"to big to download" (Score 2, Insightful) 255

Microsoft provides a free anti virus and anti spy-ware system called security essentials that is not that big that you can't occasionally pull down new definitions via the dialup. Also when you visit why not run a copy of autopatcher from your thumb drive to make sure they have all of their windows updates.

Comment where is the slowdown? (Score 1) 438

I think step one is to pick a storage/naming convention and stick with it. Also depending on your needs a document management system could help. The other thing I would do is look and figure out where the bottleneck is for your speed issue, is it the vpn connection, the network not being able to keep up, or the computer running samba. Once you know more of where the slowdown is work on that spot.

Comment facing the wall (Score 1) 392

I currently face the wall, but that is just because I am to lazy to scavenge up a power cord that is longer to go anywhere else.
Also since my office is in the basement, there is no fancy amenities like a window to look out of.

Comment Re:mercury (Score 1) 859

true... but the fact is that a great deal of our electricity is produced by coal power... we should go to Nuclear or other cleaner power but that is not going to happen tomorrow. CFLs have always been more of a stopgap then anything else. Also the CFL mercury release is only if you break it... with a bit of care that rarely happens.

Comment mercury (Score 1) 859

Here is another aspect of the impact of CFLs compared to incandescent bulbs... per an EPA fact sheet, even if your CFL breaks the amount of Mercury released into the environment is less then the amount released by a regular bulb and a coal power plant. If you do break your CFL, there are steps that you need to take to get it cleaned up. Snopes has some good tips on how to do that

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