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Comment Retrocharging (Score 2) 450

Yeah, this is a thing companies are doing to consumers now.

It's also a big topic of conversation at the dinners I have to sit through with money-grubbing shitfaced sociopathic CEOs.

It's called retrocharging.

It works on the same model as MMORPG's and DLC except it's more insidious: The company threatens to take away something you already have unless you pay them more money.

Comcast does this. They are now doing "account audits" after which they send you a letter telling you they're going to start charging for features they claim you have always had but haven't been paying for.

Comment Re:Are speed cameras bad? (Score 0) 335

Speed cameras are bad because the speed people drive is determined not by the law, but by the speed other people drive.

It is collective reasoning that decides how fast people drive.

That's why when you're driving down I-280 the speed limit is 65 but everyone drives 80.

If you put speed traps all up and down I-280 it's not going to slow people down, it's just going to punish poor people who are driving the same speed as wealthy people.

Comment The cards they do nothing (Score 4, Funny) 131

Hi, former Comcast support representative here.

Those cards do nothing, they're just placebos.

You dial the support number and punch in the code, and the switch drops you right into the same queue with everyone else.

At the call center we called them "idiot cards" because you'd have to be one to think they were any benefit to you.

We usually handed them out ironically to the least deserving customers.

Comment Knowledge is power (Score 1, Insightful) 611

This is a simple case of knowledge as power.

Telling people they shouldn't use software to avoid freeway traffic is like telling black slaves they can't read because they might learn what it's like to have a life outside the plantation.

Knowledge exists whether or not you want it to and you can't force ignorance.

If someone discovers a way to improve their life in a way that is perfectly legal and legitimate, such as driving down a street in front of your house, you have no right to complain.

Comment Dead market (Score 0) 110

Microsoft has intentionally made their mobile devices expire after a few years.

They have done it with every iteration of their mobile platform from Windows CE all the way to Windows Phone.

It works like this:

1. Buy our new mobile device! It's amazing! It does everything and we'll support it forever and ever, we promise! It's okay, go ahead and put all of your contacts and data on our devices. What could possibly go wrong?

2. New generation of our mobile platform is out! Buy our mobile devices! It's amazing! Oh and also we're dropping support for existing devices tomorrow and closing the app store. You will never receive another software update and your old device is now a brick. But new platform!

They did this with Windows CE, Windows Mobile 1 through 6 and they'll do it with Windows Phone.

They even had a phone that was entirely cloud based in Europe and when they shuttered the cloud service the device literally refused to boot.

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