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Comment Re:Supply & Demand (Score 1) 192

Yep, unless you've got one of a quite small list of well-supported cards. Those are not so powerful these days, but if you've got one then you're still worlds better off than with an Intel.

I've tried... two ATI (back then) cards, one I never got to work, and the other found all sorts of interesting ways to crash and malfunction. Have to admit I haven't tried again since - the devil you know and all that.

Comment Re:You know what this means (Score 1) 182

You don't even need those.

Grab a sharpie or other permanent black marker. A few coats with this will dim the LED without blocking it - just keep adding coats until it's as dark as you like.

Make sure you give it time for the coat to dry - just scribbling on it won't do - mark, wait a moment, mark, wait, repeat.

Comment Re:You know what this means (Score 1) 182

He's not joking. The light sensors on your retina are kept in a feedback loop, and all it takes is a single photon interaction to nudge that loop and cause activation.

Granted the photon has to hit the receptor - but many receptors are connected to a single... ganglion? Not sure what neural cell it is - but receptors are ganged so that a single photon interaction in any one of them is detected.

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