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Comment Market Forces Are A Scam (Score 1) 454

Market forces are wonderful when they work to the advantage of employers. But when they work to the advantage of employees, the employers get legislators to change the rules and tilt the playing playing field so employers have the advantage again. They corrupt the market. . Join a union. There really is no other way in the long run. Show your kids you love them and secure THEIR future.

Comment Re: Typical!! (Score 1) 271

I've found that walking is a great way to maximize privacy. Anyone can do it and there is no regulatory oversight. A hat with a wide brim, or a hoody, reduces the chance of one's face being caught on street surveillance cameras. If everyone wore hats, they wouldn't be necessarily be distinctive, either. Just buy the hat everyone else buys. If you live near where you work, walking is a great option.

Comment Re: I thought the DMCA is American Law (Score 1) 389

The US applies its laws globally through American corporations. This is old news. They tried to block a Canadian subsidiary of an American company from seeking train engines to Cuba in 1972 the same way. The Canadian PM at the time, Pierre Trudat, ordered them to ship the trains or get out of Canada.

Comment Re: This is silly (Score 1) 720

Automation isn't about reducing labor costs. The minimum wage has nothing to do with it. They don't want people... Even if they were free. Ultimately, there will either be a living wage for no work at all, or there will be revolution when purple can't get jobs and therefore have no income. Petiole have been warning of this for years. Politicians, as usual, are churlishly ignorant and foolish to allow this (or negligent in not thinking about the consequences).

Comment Re:On the other hand... (Score 1) 700

So let's see how this plays out: 1. Ask vendor: "This device contains only legit chips, right?" 2. Vendor replies: "Absolutely!" 3. Device bricks. 4. Return to vendor: "My device is dead." 5. Vendor says; "Here's a replacement." 6. Device bricks. 7. Return to vendor: "This device is dead, too" 8. Vendor says: "Here's a replacement." 9. Device bricks. Eventually: "All these devices are defective, can we open one up to see if the chips are counterfeit?" Warranty void. Yeah...that will work.

Comment Re: Why not? When you have kids.. (Score 1) 323

I'm responsible for my childrens welfare. I'm not responsible for what they do because I cannot know everything they do without being the sort of insanely controlling parent who shouldn't have children anyway. Sure, I am control their bank account. That's easy. I'm actually controlling the bank, not the child. Anyone who had ever let a child walk to the corner store to buy milk knows you can't know what they do once out of sight. Making parents liable for that is just nuts. It's an impossible situation. It's like making you responsible for what I'm going to do next. Just as arbitrary and dumb as that.

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