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Comment Fascism Alive and Well (Score 2) 147

Benito noted it was the regimentation of corporate and government interests in the effort to "govern" the people. Welcome to American Fascism. I never disclosed my information to a third party willingly.... And I fail to see how my contract for a secure network with an American Public Company (or Private) constitute my divulgence of such information to a third party.

Comment Re:Curious economics of private spaceflight (Score 1) 60

Yeah the thing about (the modern American) ardent libertarian is that they are usually utterly, 180 degrees wrong. It's sort of like teaching Ayn Rand in a undergrad philosophy class on ethics or even metaphysics - it has no place to be taken seriously

Those in power... you mean the people when their representation still had a modicum of integrity?

Honestly - one non-sequitur leap to another - what is it that you are saying?

Comment Re:how pretty (Score 1) 209

"It is difficult to keep a straight face and state that OSX is stable. Xcode crashes all the time, Qt software crashes all the time, visualization software works much better on Linux."

I play with the same tools - and I experience no instability like this on OS X. Xeon and Core Ix series hardware.

Comment Re:Lower cost for H1B ? In your dreams .... (Score 2) 341

I have first hand experience with it - and it's clear, as the message came from the top to drive down wages... look for foreign workers. Laws be dammed, particularly in right to work states. It's a sad but real truth to this situation of immigration. Is it everywhere - of course not - but I'd wager mostly everywhere.

Comment Oligarch's Game (Score 3, Insightful) 538

Evermore, even our education system in the USA is now a "big" business, just like healthcare - this is despicable. Its a disgrace. It's been going on for decades, albeit at a somewhat chelonian pace; and now it's accelerating. Keep on voting GOP and corporate clown Dems... and this result will continue. Young people- you must get and vote - save your generation. Mine is lost to the oligarchs.

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