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Comment Re:Not Listening to Mike Rowe (Score 1) 1032

>Taking out huge loans that you don't have a way to repay, to get a degree that has no potential for income, show a serious lack of judgement.

Offering loans to people who have neither the means to repay them, nor the potential to repay them, shows an even greater lack of judgment. As such, the company offering the loan should learn from its mistake, by the person defaulting on the loan.

Comment Re: Why? (Score 1) 1032

>Let's go ahead and shut out the vast majority of people seeking higher education,

By eliminating government funding of education, you eliminate the scam-schools, of which there have been thousands, that have sucked money out of people seeking a higher education, and didn't realize before they were scammed, that government approval of the school has nothing to do with the quality of service provided.

Or, if you insist of government funding, then the only schools that are allowed to receive funding, are those which can demonstrate that within 90 days of graduation, 50% of the graduates have a paying job in the field in which their degree is relevant, and within 180 days, 90% of the graduates have a paying job in the field in which their degree is relevant, and within 360 days, 100% of the graduates have a paying job in the field that their degree is in, that they would not have had, had they not had the degree.

Comment Re:SFLC's brief explains parts of this well (Score 1) 210

> but rather copying tens of thousands of words scattered throughout the Java Standard Library implementation.

Which, in turn, are copied from other standard library implementations, at least as far back as The C Standard Library, and and The C Programming Language.

Comment Re:Life (Score 1) 111

>However they are stories written by Greeks about non-contemporaneous events in a part of the world that did not speak Greek and did not have Greek customs

And yet another ignoramus proves their complete, utter, and absolute lack of knowledge about the Roman Empire in general, and the Middle East in specific, between 100 BCE and 100 CE.

Comment Re:You don't stop terrorists by patting people dow (Score 1) 357

>If you're a suspicious person then the system might just say "take a bus".

You obviously have taken an interstate bus trip recently. TSA does security checks at a number of bus and train stations throughout the country

>and subjecting people to additional security if they're on a list.

We know that people are placed on the current lists for any reason, or no reason at all. (One TSA employee put women who refused to go on a date with him, on the non-fly list.)

Comment Re:On a positive note (Score 1) 357

>One could argue that current airport screening techniques are reasonable and justified.

The number of stowaways on commercial airlines _increased_ after 9/11. A datapoint that pretty much proves that current screening techniques are not even close in achieving the alleged goals.

In conclusion, TSA should be abolished, with no replacement agency,k procedures, or screening that is undertaking by any organization other than the airline, bus line, railroad company, or passenger cruise line that owns and operates the means of transportation.

Comment Re:Wait a second guys! (Score 1) 357

>and dogs to sniff out anything explosive.

In 2001, there were digital sniffers that performed better than dogs. These digital sniffers could not only could detect more items than dogs, but do so at a lower concentration.

The biggest problem with that solution, is that it outperformed every thing else. Its high price was a secondary issue.

Comment Re:Jesus (Score 1) 111

>Yes, they did slaughter some Christians at some point. but only after realizing how they were creeping for influence and power. nobody had invited them, after all.

a) That massacre happened after Catholic missionaries went to Japan. Something that happened between ten and fifteen centuries after Christianity was established in Japan. (The most plausible theory has Christianity established circa 300 AD. A second theory has that date at circa 600 AD. A third theory has that date as circa AD 70.)

b) At its peak, (14th century AD) seventy percent of the
population of Japan were practicing Christians. A figure that declined rapidly after the Catholic missionaries went in, setting up a religion of hypocrites looking for material goods and political power, whilst rejecting the teachings of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth.

Comment Re:Life (Score 1) 111

1) we have no idea if Matthew actually wrote it or not

The idea that it wasn't written by Matthew started almost two millennia after it was written, by a person whose publicly announced aim was to completely discredit the Bible.

2) If he did, would Matthew actually have written it in Greek? I suspect not, because ... well, he wasn't Greek.

And if you knew anything about NT history, you'd know that Matthew was originally written in Hebrew, and then translated into Greek. Something even the staunchest Greek Supremacists admit to.

Comment Re: Seems reasonable (Score 1) 119

>If proper routers are too expensive, a PC with a bunch of NICs and PfSense can do the job for a smaller installation.

I've come across several individuals recommending that one buy a cheap laptop, configure SmoothWall, or similar Linux distro on it, and use that as a firewall, router, DNS server. One end is connected to the pre-pwned junk from your ISP, and the other end is connected to your system.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 387

>And the longer someone is in the field, the better they become at their craft.

There was a reason why the school song included the line "and guard the school's bottle supply with pride."

Every staff member that had been in education for more than fifteen years was an alcoholic. Most of them restricted their drinking to between classes, not during class.

The only craft they got better at, was being able to hide their drunkenness from inspectors, and investigative journalists.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 387

Whiteboards are made of a different material than blackboards, which, in turn, are made of a different material than greenboards, which, in turn, are made of a different material than chalk boards.

If you are not the person that has to clean them, the differences are nominal. If you are the person that has to clean, them, and you're told it is a blackboard, and it turns out to be a chalk board, you just destroyed it.

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