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Comment Re: Seems reasonable (Score 1) 119

>If proper routers are too expensive, a PC with a bunch of NICs and PfSense can do the job for a smaller installation.

I've come across several individuals recommending that one buy a cheap laptop, configure SmoothWall, or similar Linux distro on it, and use that as a firewall, router, DNS server. One end is connected to the pre-pwned junk from your ISP, and the other end is connected to your system.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 387

>And the longer someone is in the field, the better they become at their craft.

There was a reason why the school song included the line "and guard the school's bottle supply with pride."

Every staff member that had been in education for more than fifteen years was an alcoholic. Most of them restricted their drinking to between classes, not during class.

The only craft they got better at, was being able to hide their drunkenness from inspectors, and investigative journalists.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 387

Whiteboards are made of a different material than blackboards, which, in turn, are made of a different material than greenboards, which, in turn, are made of a different material than chalk boards.

If you are not the person that has to clean them, the differences are nominal. If you are the person that has to clean, them, and you're told it is a blackboard, and it turns out to be a chalk board, you just destroyed it.

Comment Re:Latency is caused by storing packets (Score 1) 221

The days when investing in the stock market was a socially responsible activity, ended about a century ago.

The days when the individual could make money by buying and holding stock ended more than 3 decades ago.

The days when an individual could make money as a day trader ended about 2 decades ago.

The days when an organization could make money on the stock market, without using HFT ended about a decade ago.

Comment Re:I dreamed of warp travel since childhood (Score 1) 185

>OK, here's a challenge, a leisure society for all with minimum livelihood and medical care guaranteed for all? I mean since we'll *obviously* have these incredible levels of energy and resources and technology, right????

With a couple of changes in government rules, regulations, statutes, and laws, that could be implemented today.
(By today, I mean that if the laws were literally changed today, the transition could start on 1 June 2015, and the entire process be complete by 1 September 2015.)

The major issue is whether or not the general population will accept the consequences of a shift of that nature.

It is a given that business will, on general principle, oppose that shift. It is highly probable that the general population will side with business, and oppose the shift.

Comment Re:The goal hasn't changed. (Score 1) 185

>Now give me that "phat venture capital check" is what they're (i.e. the Navy's contractors) advertising.

Back around 2000, there were a couple of firms that claimed to outfit laser weapons on private yachts. Weapon systems that could destroy the boats that the pirates were using.

These systems were not cheap, and once installed, did limit which countries one could visit.

Comment Re:drones (Score 1) 185

Her Majesty's Royal Army.

The Army that has no qualms about grabbing civilians,put them into camps, and has an official, formal policy of starving the inmates to death. Her Majesty's Royal Army has never rescinded the official order to starve civilians placed in concentration camps.

The army that decided that the best way to help wounded, captured enemy, was to execute them on the spot. Another order that has never been rescinded.

Comment Re:Once again: (Score 1) 110

From that paragon of information known to be false, but is believed by the editors to be true, regardless of the actual facts:

This is the list of Schedule I drugs as defined by the United States Controlled Substances Act.[1] The following findings are required for drugs to be placed in this schedule:[2]

1) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
2) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
3) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

I see the LSD is listed as Schedule 1. Guess somebody doesn't know that it is/was effective, when used to treat various psychological issues. The issue for the clinician is doing an accurate psycho-diagnostic exam. Something that takes roughly 3 hours of patient time, and another three or so hours, sifting the results.

Mescaline can be legally used for religious purposes. Come to think of it, it also has been used for psychotherapeutic reasons.
Again, it works as a psychotherapeutic agent, when used for the appropriate condition, which takes roughly 3 hours of patient time, and three or more hours sifting the results.

IOW, the therapeutic treatments are known, but current medical practice in essence, prevents the diagnostic to be made. (Let's face it, when you have 180 seconds with a client, one can not do a differential diagnosis, much less an accurate one., And insurance companies are doing their utmost to reduce client face-time to 60 seconds, or less. )

Comment Resources not generally (Score 1) 87

>IOActive's reverse engineering process required the use of skilled technicians, sophisticated lab equipment, and other costly resources not generally available to the public.

Since when have the bad guys limited themselves to what was available to the general public? Or even limited themselves to what one person could do?

I take it that the Cyberlock is effective, only when the attack is carried out by somebody like my next door neighbor. He is a very nice person, but due to Alzheimer's, people in the neighborhood do have to occasionally walk him home.

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