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Comment Re:No surprise (Score 1) 224

"we just lucked out enough to have a brain big enough to develop domestic violence, child abuse and random acts of aggression against strangers/the weak" I think you need more exposure to the animal kingdom. Most of the actions you attribute to humans also manifest in other animals. Male lions, bears et. al. are known to attack or kill their offspring. Any pack/herd animal with alphas are ripe with domestic violence to keep subordinate family members in line, and any weakness shown by that alpha guarantees that someone will challenge for the role through violence. As for random acts of aggression, I suggest watching a community fish tank for a while and watching both schooling fish or interaction between different species in the same tank. Bird clutches often show sibling rivalry taken to a level that can result in death for the weakest...

Comment Sheeple start young. (Score 1) 405

I had a kid in my son's daycare correct me when I referred to the owners device as a tablet.He screamed how it wasn't a tablet it was an iPad. So I screamed back that 'anyone who can't say their 'R's isn't allowed an opinion, so get your Barbera Wawa arse out of my sight!' Ok, so maybe I thought it instead of saying it... but that would have been sweet.

Comment Re:It should be (Score 3, Interesting) 364

That argument has merit, but means you shift the ban from driving to purchase and consumption of alcohol. Ensure there is a license classification that specifies this restriction. This would also make providing a restricted adult with alcohol punishable in the same way as providing a minor with alcohol. Problem solved, and general public protected from morons with an addictive personality and no common sense. You could even give the moron the choice between losing a license or losing the legal ability to consume alcohol. You may have a right to drive. You may have a right to get shitfaced. You do not have a right to do both at the same time.

Comment Re:Advancing science (Score 1) 226

It's basically irrelevant, if nothing else because the show teaches people to laugh at geeks and nerds. The "science" is just window dressing to enable this, it could be techno-babble for all the audience knows - or cares.

Why so sensitive? Did the show Coach make fun of jocks and former jocks? Damn straight it did, and anyone who could relate didn't complain about it. You could pick apart just about any sitcom on the air and it makes fun of some personality type's associated dysfunctions. WKRP made fun of advertising salesmen, secretaries and management. Many sitcoms on the air make fun of blue collar workers, fat people, low income families,... How horrible that someone made a show somewhat based on something you could relate to.

Comment Re:dumb as fuck celebrities (Score 1) 311

Your life is already under a microscope. You can't go to the supermarket without a crew from TMZ following you and paparazzi are camped out on your lawn.... just how freaking stupid do you have to be to post nude pics of yourself to the cloud?

I'm going to start a consulting agency to the stars, called "Common Sense", and get paid to distribute my common sense to people who obviously have none of their own.

Here's a free tip: If you don't want nude pics of yourself spread to the web, don't take nude pics of yourself!

Damn straight. They also shouldn't own smart tv's with built-in cameras, xbox's with kinects, or any other hackable device including their cell phones. If they're stupid enough to walk around their own home naked with any hackable technology, it's their own f'n fault if pictures make their way to the internet!!! Give your head a shake. Yes what they did was stupid, but that doesn't make it their fault. The truth of the matter is that trusting humans to do the right (ethical) thing is stupid in any and all situations.

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