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Comment Re:Why doesn't china standardize on FOSS? (Score 1) 313

I know what you wanted to say, but for China Windows has been open source since 2003. http://news.cnet.com/2100-1007-990526.html

In fact according to the article, Windows is open source to China among other governments BECAUSE Linux is open source and they were going to switch.

So when the first real cyber warfare starts happening (Ghostnet, Stuxnet are two that we know about). You'll know its Microsoft greed and our dependence on Microsoft that lost it for us. Selective open sourcing where none of the white-hats that aren't on the MS payroll get to see the code while nations that, at the very least, want to build an arsenal against it do see the code is worse than closed source.

Comment Overstated (Score 1) 424

There are a couple of things that make this useless. Both Apple and Android run only signed code unless the user makes an effort to do otherwise. Google makes it a checkbox (which some carriers then remove). Browser exploits for either platform are equally likely.

Comment Re:Windows gave control, Android takes it away (Score 2) 424

On Android, without rooting it or installing iTunes you can backup and install .apk files using a file explorer. The only "in the cloud" part is if the developer uses Google's version of DRM via the Market app. As long as you paid for the app, it doesn't care what version it is, so this too is no problem. So without being anchored to the iTunes monolith you can do this version management on the phone in the middle of nowhere.

Comment Re:why does the picture in the article look like (Score 1) 257

Thats because it is one. http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2010-11/hybrid-car-created-completely-3d-printing Real picture of a 1/6 scale model according to the article, and they have an actual video of the prototype driving around without a body shell. The body appears to flip up with a seam around the driver area over the front wheel wells. Hinges on the front of the body? Or maybe hinges mid-body but that means you can't open it in your garage and some parking garages without scraping ceiling/garage door.

Comment Re:FTL Information? (Score 1) 236

(even if "rebel" may be the wrong word).

I'm betting "leave the planet" is the proper idea. I always imagine that shortly after the singularity, a sentient computer would get the hell off the planet pretty quick and probably just avoid us like the plague. We wouldn't really have the ability to give chase even in our own solar system.

That is unless the first AI is made by painstakingly simulating the human brain...Then yeah, we're screwed.

Comment Re:a complex question with no single correct answe (Score 1) 395

This guy nailed it.

As far as buying unlocked phones, I haven't seen a setup where they have a non subsidized billing rate. You get out of the two year contract/early termination but it isn't like they have an unlocked phone rate. You still pay for the handset subsidy whether or not you need it. So yeah if you like giving extra money to the phone company, by all means, buy an unlocked phone and pay their unlimited data plan rate.

Comment Re:10 hex is 16 decimal (Score 1) 340

It is 160 characters because of one guy and his typewriter in 1985.


"Alone in a room in his home in Bonn, Germany, Friedhelm Hillebrand sat at his typewriter, tapping out random sentences and questions on a sheet of paper.

As he went along, Hillebrand counted the number of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and spaces on the page. Each blurb ran on for a line or two and nearly always clocked in under 160 characters."

Comment Re:That's great, but... (Score 1) 464

TFA is just speculating a linear scale down to handheld and shark-mounted lasers as a joke. Pretty funny too.

The goal weapon is 150kW which will put out the .50s 17kJ in about .11 seconds.

Nothing mentions the diameter or frequency of the beam used, but as another person alluded exposed human parts would explosively vaporize, metal would melt, and clothing would ignite(sufficient to stop combatant) pretty quickly.

36.6C, 40kg body water raised to boiling 63.4 degrees.

40kg * 63.4C * 4.18kJ/(kg * C) / 150 kW = 70.7 seconds to boil a 40kg person.

But that isn't how it works, it's focused on say 20 cc of water. .02kg * 63.4C * 4.18kJ/(kg * C) / 150 kW = .035 seconds. So 20cc * 1700 = 34000cc BOOM!

So (according to wolfram alpha http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=.035+s) between .4 to .7 of a "blink of an eye" 20cc of water turns to 34000cc of steam with what was a part of your body...and nobody said they turn the beam of here.

That probably over-simplifies how the energy would be converted and propagate through tissue, but who knows the frequency or diameter of the beam?

Comment Re:Is a comparison to bullets apt? (Score 1) 464

I agree it could be more powerful, but I thought the point of lasers was silence, precision, very little splash damage, and light speed travel to the target. Bullets are way slower than light, more adversely affected by wind, windows, etc. The use for this would probably be sniping guys with guns off a mosque with a drone instead of blowing up all their civilian shields and getting on the news.

Slightly more info and likely a big part of TFA's source:

heh, captcha is ablation ;)

Comment Re:Security through Obscurity? (Score 1) 595

Ditto shorter resolution. Also, if you had a skilled staff, you fix it yourself.

How many MS ATL apps are you running that are hackable?

How many vendors can update their product on your box without you running a separate update "daemon" in your HKLM/Software/Windows/Run key. Which shouldn't really even work anyway if your smart enough to leave your users out of the admin role. They aren't exactly benifiting from that WSUS server either.

Hell MS released a metric shit-ton of updates. How many MS ATL/Visual C++ apps are now hosed? You will never know, by design.

Comment Twitter anyone (Score 1) 480

Nobody mentioned twitter?


LOTS of lead-in on that. Long story short: Password recovery email sent to abandoned and thus recycled and avaiable hotmail account. Register hotmail account, send recovery email. Use gmail account to do password resets all over the damn place.

Google docs & everything Google was done on the first step.

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