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Comment Re:Ask China (Score 2) 631

By "ours", you mean American, I assume.

That's all probably true, so I trust countries that have done the most testing per capita. I have found this pretty useful - just sort the column on the extreme right in descending order.

A hint: countries like Germany, Italy and Australia rate pretty highly on the list

Comment Re:Ask China (Score 1) 631

righto, well, if you actually believe that they have stopped the virus cold, because you take their published stats as gospel, then I have have an Eiffel Tower to sell you. I'm not lying, I just don't believe their stats: they pretty much run counter to the entire rest of the world, so I'm calling bullshit.

Comment Re:The "cure" is worse than the disease (Score 1) 277

Different countries reacted in different ways during the Great Depression (started, I think, by the 1929 stock market crash). In the United States, things stayed really bad until the New Deal started to take effect in about 33. In Australia (where I'm from) there was no stimulus (because we were in a balance of payments crisis and the option wasn't available) until World War II (1935), and, well, the Depression lifted.

So, yes, lockdowns are bad and dangerous. However, so is unbridled virus spread: deaths, hospitals overrun, then the panic buying, the stockpile of guns, social panic and we start to head toward Mad Max territory. So let's not do that, ok?

However lockdowns with the right economic stimuli, and, well, maybe we have a way forward.

BTW: Sweden is not doing this either, they are partially locked down, just not as solid as many other European countries.

Comment Re:I'm 100% for this, go travel (Score 2) 134

...and shark repellant, something very large to shoot crocodiles with (anything less that 0.44 calibre will just annoy them), steel gaters (8 out of 10 of the world's most poisonous snakes live in Australia), and don't annoy any spiders either. But apparently, you can punch Kangaroos, then again, I don't recommend it.

Comment Re:Smaller market, too. (Score 2) 75

It would seem that the PC market contained passive users (people who browse, view, send) as well as active users (people who create content including programming). Over the last few years smart phones and tablets have been taking all of the passive users away, so the market has shrunk in size. I think that process is now pretty much complete, so we're now seeing the gradual increase in active users in line with a gradually increasing population.

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