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Comment the stolen data was freely shared to others... (Score 4, Insightful) 95

Their position seems 100% understandable. They only thing they didn't do was leverage a database of known stolen credentials and enforce you can't reuse passwords, but I don't know of any website that does that. Chrome will alert you at the browser level if you reuse known stolen credentials however. If anything, the 14k users that reused their credentials stolen should be the ones being sued.

Comment proven to be the bad choice (Score 5, Informative) 171

More hours doesn't mean more productivity, it means less productivity. Study after study has shown that people that work fewer hours are more productive overall. In the case of India, youth unemployment is also extremely high. For jobs where you just need to be there, having one person work 70 hours means you aren't paying for two people to work 35 hours. Unemployment means desperation, which breeds crime.

Comment Re:Lead!!! (Score 5, Insightful) 183

They have already demonstrated using vapor deposited thin films, meaning a trivial amount of lead is needed for this. In a superconductor, the surface is where the electricity flows, so even a thin film should be enough for most products. Lead may be toxic, but it is also cheap, and if this IS legit (we will hopefully find out soon), it the benefits likely will justify this. It also provides a possibly jumping off point in understanding of the physics so that other less toxic formulations can be used.

Comment Re:Not only is this silly... (Score 5, Interesting) 183

Different teams, different claims. This is a team that apparently has been working on isolating this material since they saw a signal in 1999 (yes 24 years ago) indicating a room temperature SC, and have been refining the process for making it and explaining how it works in secrecy. They have a patent and trademark already, and have instructions that are easy enough that we should see reproduction (or not) inside of a week.

Comment Ambient pressure RTSC claim announced... (Score 4, Insightful) 61


Given the claims of ambient pressure and even Tc above water boiling point, it is MUCH easier to validate this claim, and they have a video of the miesner effect online as well. They provided instructions on how to create the new material, and based on this, I expect claims of reproduction (or failure to do so) within the week. The time may have come.

Comment Ask why ChatGPT stopped training data in 2021 (Score 1) 55

IMHO, I believe that it is because tech like this started filtering into the training data, making the results worse, not better. Companies that are locking down access for a $$ like Reddit may have already let the horse out of the barn, as the datasets that are useful have already been scraped from their sites.

Comment If the battery is detached, why not the CPU? (Score 1) 44

Honestly, as soon as you make the decision to have even a single wire go to a bulky attached piece, you may as well put all the processing into the attached piece as well. Make the headset a headset ONLY, minimizing the cost if it needs to be replaced, and put all the other pieces into a small, easy to wear attachment. Heck, this same setup could be used to power a laptop or tablet as well. Maybe... this item could be a phone, with a larger battery or clip-on battery extender. Certainly makes sense to me...

Comment Nobody else is competing (Score 1, Insightful) 6

Yes, there are other cloud providers, such as GCP and Oracle, but in so many areas, they simply fall short in providing the level of service that AWS provides. If you look at database offerings for example, AWS has a huge lead over competitors with their Aurora offering. Nobody else really has anything comparable. Source: I have to work with all the major cloud providers as an ISV, and have products sold through all their marketplaces. AWS is simply better than the rest in providing the building blocks for companies.

Comment Google just can't compete (Score 2) 44

I run a software vendor that sells software on all the major cloud providers. Google requires a legal review of your "open source disclosure" in order to even do security updates, which typically takes several days. Remember that log4j issue? Yep, you couldn't fix the issue until you had a legal review of your open source packages. No other cloud provider requires anything like this. The company is straight up ruled by lawyers and won't do anything without review.

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