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Comment Re:Not exactly a hack (Score 3, Interesting) 78

Your pharmacist has sold your prescription data to some shady third party for advertising purposes. Somehow they managed to loophole that out of HIPAA - it's a 'service' for your own good - or something along those hallucinatory lines.

Supposedly you can opt out but you first have to know if you got opted in.

I'm actually surprised that this hasn't generated much flack, but there are so many things to get angsted at I think that most people are just overwhelmed. Personally, I ran out of extra angst a long time ago.

Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 1) 514

While I don't hold myself out as an expert in rack mounted UPS systems, I can safely say that APC is pretty bad after tossing a bunch of them out shortly after they're purchased.

I have found the folks at Don Rowe helpful for power inverter stuff. In my case for marine applications. I really like the KISAE inverters / UPS - have three of them that have been running for over a year in some fairly tough conditions.

But there has to be a better professional vendor than APC. Even their mid range stuff is put together like typical Chinese consumer electronics. The KISAE units are much better finished and have beefier PCB boards, mountings and hardware.

Comment Re:If 39% is "good science" (Score 1) 174

There's no grant money available from government for that. It's only available (in huge quantities) for supporting the paradigm. Strange but true.

I rather thought that energy companies had a few extra dollars running around. Exxon's 2014 revenue was over 400 billion. Surely they could fund a few studies all by themselves.

Comment Re:Uh, only doubled? (Score 5, Insightful) 160

So how does a 40 year old computer system get replaced and only doubles the number of flights capable of being tracked?

How about this concept: Maybe that is all that they set it up for. The rate limiting step of the Airway Traffic Control system just might be somewhere else so there would be no need to do anything else.

I do find it concerning that the system comprises of 'two million lines of code'. Last time I heard that metric was "Jurassic Park". And we know how well that turned out.

Comment Re:big dropoff in new tech over age 70 (Score 1) 67

You don't need to be very 'tech savvy' to use an iPad. When they first came out, I gave one to my now 84 year old mother. She's still using the iPad 1, still doing email (it's for old people after all), her calendar, Flickr and a couple of simple apps and games.

It's pretty much perfect for her.

If IBM doesn't screw up the software (doubtful) this could well be useful. And, of course, IBM could easily port the software to Android or even Windows Phone - we're just talking about a fairly simple hardware platform.

Comment Re:What is the obsession with tattoos... (Score 1) 403

I wonder if there is a UID / age divider between Slashdotters who think positively vs. negatively about tattoos. It's been fun reading about the rather disparate views here. Personally, I would agree with you (in contrast to my usual disagreements about your politics) - it's a nice concept that rarely comes across as a net gain for the individual. I've seen a few tattoos that actually look good on the person, mostly it is a complete fail.

Comment Re:Who could have guessed ? (Score 1) 403

Ha. New Orleans must be losing it. Up here in unHipster Alaska you see quite a number of heavily tattooed folk carting around iPhones, iPads and various other iAccoutraments. These are typically working class folk - fisherman, lumberjacks (yes, we have them), cannery workers and such who happen to make a lot money (at least at times) and think that shinys are worthwhile expenditures. Yeah, it looks a bit, shall we say, different, to see some heavily muscled guy in beat up work clothes sipping a grande quadruple shot mocha and daintily tapping away at his MacBook Air. It is a very strange world at times.

Now, it isn't obvious that this guy and his cute friends are the prototypical iWatch purchasers but I'll wager there is going to be some overlap here.

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