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Comment Re:Uh, only doubled? (Score 5, Insightful) 160

So how does a 40 year old computer system get replaced and only doubles the number of flights capable of being tracked?

How about this concept: Maybe that is all that they set it up for. The rate limiting step of the Airway Traffic Control system just might be somewhere else so there would be no need to do anything else.

I do find it concerning that the system comprises of 'two million lines of code'. Last time I heard that metric was "Jurassic Park". And we know how well that turned out.

Comment Re:big dropoff in new tech over age 70 (Score 1) 67

You don't need to be very 'tech savvy' to use an iPad. When they first came out, I gave one to my now 84 year old mother. She's still using the iPad 1, still doing email (it's for old people after all), her calendar, Flickr and a couple of simple apps and games.

It's pretty much perfect for her.

If IBM doesn't screw up the software (doubtful) this could well be useful. And, of course, IBM could easily port the software to Android or even Windows Phone - we're just talking about a fairly simple hardware platform.

Comment Re:What is the obsession with tattoos... (Score 1) 403

I wonder if there is a UID / age divider between Slashdotters who think positively vs. negatively about tattoos. It's been fun reading about the rather disparate views here. Personally, I would agree with you (in contrast to my usual disagreements about your politics) - it's a nice concept that rarely comes across as a net gain for the individual. I've seen a few tattoos that actually look good on the person, mostly it is a complete fail.

Comment Re:Who could have guessed ? (Score 1) 403

Ha. New Orleans must be losing it. Up here in unHipster Alaska you see quite a number of heavily tattooed folk carting around iPhones, iPads and various other iAccoutraments. These are typically working class folk - fisherman, lumberjacks (yes, we have them), cannery workers and such who happen to make a lot money (at least at times) and think that shinys are worthwhile expenditures. Yeah, it looks a bit, shall we say, different, to see some heavily muscled guy in beat up work clothes sipping a grande quadruple shot mocha and daintily tapping away at his MacBook Air. It is a very strange world at times.

Now, it isn't obvious that this guy and his cute friends are the prototypical iWatch purchasers but I'll wager there is going to be some overlap here.

Comment Re:Lesson for workers : Keep skills sharp (Score 5, Insightful) 636

The issue really isn't the fact that the H1Bs are taking over 'native' STEM positions, it is that Disney et. al. is flat out lying about it.

Remember, the H1B program is an immigration loophole set up by the government for certain purposes (allowing non citizens to work in the US when there are no qualified citizens). It was not designed to be a welfare program for big companies. Even for 'easily replaced' employees.

Comment Re:The all-or-nothing fallacy (Score 5, Interesting) 355

Because this is a transparent attempt to rein in the EPA on the grounds of 'science'. Seems OK as a sound bite, doesn't quite work well in the ugly real world. As noted in TFA, there are two major, practical objections:

- The EPA doesn't get enough funding to do all of the studies by themselves. And there seems to be no mechanism in the proposed legislation to fix that little oversight. So it becomes an issue of perfect rather than practical. Sure, it would be best if everything were publicly funded and every bit of data published on the Internet, but it is arguably better if some 'imperfect' data is used rather than the very limited amount of data that is openly published.
- Longitudinal data, by definition, isn't 'repeatable'. You don't get to rewind the tape (if you are unfamiliar with this analogy, look up 'VCR' and similar ancient technology).

The way this bill is crafted makes it perfectly clear that good science is not the goal. Emasculating the EPA is.

Comment Re:NASA Prob and Possible Ice Caps (Score 2) 60

Always take your medications prior to posting.

How about this scary thought: Water is really turning out to be the Universal Solvent. It is everywhere we look. That has profound implications for the possibility, no probability, of life throughout the galaxy and beyond.

It also strongly suggests that future planetary missions should be sure to stock some WD-40.

Comment Re:Mesh networking (Score 5, Insightful) 141

No, the real benefit from amateur radio operations is that they are trained to work as a team. The reality is that the vast majority of the gear used in emergency communications are modern, reliable, commercial rigs that the operators could no more fix internally than you can fix your computer. They don't train to McGuyver the radios, they train to set up command and control links and practice working with interfaces with the Internet and government systems.

That way, when the shit hits the fan they can plop down in their chair and do something useful. Yes, you can get a field station running with a length of wire and a car battery and there are lots of ham radio operators who delight in that sort of thing. But organization and teamwork is the real key to effectiveness and that is why amateur radio has been embraced by governments world wide.

Comment Re:Once again (Score 4, Insightful) 141

No, but if you're trying to work on a relay in the US and there is broadband interference it is still an issue. That said, I don't thing consumer powerline networking is going to be very widespread, thanks in no small part to the ARRL's effort.

Further, this is why you do need to 'advertise' when amateur radio is used for public safety purposes. We are still fighting a rear guard battle and anytime the public (and our wonderful legislators) see the service as beneficial it slows down the attempts to limit amateur radio's spectrum and rights.

Comment Re:Why such crap? (Score 4, Funny) 263

I blame this mind set on the Avenger movies. If Scarlet Johansson can save the world in while running around in spandex underwear, your average Slashdot coder should be able to outperform a couple dozen programmers, managers and QA staff with just a six pack of Mountain Dew and a jumbo bag of Doritos.

Comment Re:cost recoup (Score 1) 263

Flights get cancelled all of the time. It's just part of the business. Flights get cancelled by computer glitches all of the time as well, yet you don't see the airlines going back to the pre-punch card tickets. Despite what some posters around here would like you to believe, computers screw up. But we still keep them.

I guess it's like a dysfunctional relationship. We're codependent.

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