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Comment Re:Perfect time to consider paradigm shift (Score 2) 167

And it's even a better time to learn about backups, redundant systems and testing. No matter what your system is computer, papyrus, chiseled rock, something is going to come along and screw it up. If you need the data to keep doing your job, you need some sort of backup system.

And especially if it is a computer system connected to the Internet.

You can lose your lunch money on an open source system just as well as a proprietary one.

Murphy cares not for your screed.

Comment Re:Wait... what? (Score 2) 228

Consider that, since the end of WW2, the nature of nuclear weapons (types, sizes), their numbers, their delivery systems have and the political landscape have changed so much that what we did 70 years ago really has little to do with the present tense. Give up on this rather ancient trope and look around you. If you think there are parallels between Hiroshima, Nagasaki and today's complex interplay of countries, economies and military forces, you are the delusional one.

Comment Re:If you're surprised (Score 1) 120

This isn't even old..

Every prescription you get from a pharmacy.
Every ticket you get from the cops.
Every loan, credit card, house, boat, car, truck or Real Doll that you ever purchase.
Every pack of bubblegum that you buy with anything other than cash.
Everything you buy in a supermarket.
Everything you buy at WalMart, Target, TacoBell and the porn shop down the hall.*

Hell, likely everything you buy from your drug dealer is aggregated.

But all of this is dwarfed (so to speak) by the overlords of Mountain View - this old stuff doesn't even begin to worry me compared to what is afoot:

Three Databases for the Credit Card houses under the table,
Seven for the Fortune 500 corps in their halls of stone,
Nine for the Government TLAs, never to die,
One for Google on his dark throne
In the Land of Mountain View where the Shadows lie.
One Database to rule them all, One Database to find them,
One Database to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mountain View where the Shadows lie.

* Note to self - next time stick with murdering a bad meme from some '80s rock band instead of a bad meme from the '70's hippie culture.

Comment Re:Data centres (Score 1) 160

Data centres are data centres for a reason... redundant high speed backbone connections, and redundant power supplies (with generator capacity). As well as physical security, non-destructive fire suppression, and trained on-site technicians.

Sounds like a lovely place to live. I'd move right in. Are there any view apartments?

Comment Re:I lived in a FEMA trailer and it wasn't that ba (Score 1) 79

I've lived in wall tents for months at a time. And those were the days of kerosene lamps and pit latrines. No LED lights, no Wifi. The Rest of the World uses tents for emergency shelters for months at a time as well. Don't see why this hard shell system has any advantages. You can insulate tents. You can strike them down before a wind storm comes so they don't blow away. You can move them easily when you figure out that your original plan has everybody in a flood plain. They are infinitely flexible. You can put them in planes, trains and (some) automobiles.

The biggest issue in these camps is sanitation and water supply. And we know how to put these things together. Even FEMA can do it.

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