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Comment Re:Another 'Hello' magazine style article (Score 1) 97

Grumpy grampy today?

You want, say, another article on whether Apple/Google/Facebook/Oracle/Lotus Notes is the antichrist?

Or another article suggesting that Africa/America/Germany/Qwghlm is the start and fundamental cause of the Apocalypse?

Hey, these threads at least have have some coherent responses. (Present company excluded, of course).

Comment Re:god dammit. (Score 2) 521

You need to dig (pun intended) into the subject a bit more. The subduction zone of a tectonic plate might be 50 kilometers down, not 50 meters. People have suggested putting nuclear waste in some of the deeper ocean trenches formed by subduction zones where the plate boundary is thin ( 1 - 10 km). Problem is it would take tens of thousands of years for the material to subduct appreciably below the surface. In the meantime it would be actively falling apart just like everything else in a marine environment. Then there is the small issue of getting the stuff down to a particular point a kilometer or so below the surface.

Go look up Project Moho for the difficulties in getting stuff down to subduction zone.

Comment Re:Logged in to email? (Score 1) 117

I know this is all retro and stuff, but land lines aren't dangerous or particularly expensive. Mine comes with my Internet connection, YMMV.

And, although emergencies are fortunately rather rare, I would prefer to depend on my land line than my AT&T-we-might-complete-this-call-if-we're-having-a-good-day cell phone.

Comment Re:Poor material choice (Score 1) 162

Slight correction. The reason the de Haviland Comet's fuselage failed was because of the square windows concentrating stressors at the corners created a series of weak areas all along the fuselage. You will notice that any aluminum aircraft or boat has somewhat rounded corners on windows.

Take that Apple!

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